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My great-grandmother Margaret Moroney was born in Bruff on 27/04/1839. She was the daughter of Johanna Finn and John Moroney ( a carter) of Bruff.

Her siblings were: Honora (1829)

Andrew (1831), Patrick (1834), William (1836) and Bridget (1846).

Margaret was a servant, she migrated to Victoria, Australia in about 1860, married Christopher Brunke ( a Hanoverian) in 1863 and had a daughter Hannah Mary in 1864. Christopher died the same year. She then met my great grandfather Joseph Laffin of County Down and had seven more children: Hugh (1868), John ( 1870), Joseph (1872), Isabella (1874), William (1876), Margaret (1878) and Andrew (1881).

Both of her husbands were gold miners.

Margaret Laffin died at Corindhap, Victoria in 1890.

Monday 10th Dec 2012, 02:04AM

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  • Hello, thanks for sharing this information with Ireland Reaching Out.


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    Monday 4th Feb 2013, 03:34PM

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