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Catherine Ryan: Born about 1785 Bruff: I found this birth record:



Church Baptism Record
 Catherine Ryan
 Date of Baptism / Birth:
 Parish / District:
 Co. Limerick
 Roman Catholic
 William Ryan
 Sara Moylan
Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1:
 Tom Carthy
 Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:
 Mgt Murnane



Would anyone know who her siblingswere? I believe this is the one who married Patrick Quain (abt 1786)  & mother of my William Quain born abt 1811 Fedamore:

Church Baptism Record
Name:    William Quain   
Date of Baptism / Birth:    07/03/1811
Address:        Parish / District:    FEDAMORE
Gender:     Unknown    County    Co. Limerick
Denomination:    Roman Catholic

Father:    Patrick Quain    Mother:    Catherine Ryan

Sponsor 1 /
Informant 1:    Ml Cahill    Sponsor 2 /
Informant 2:    Bgt Moore


Help please:)


Birth record:

Wednesday 1st Feb 2012, 10:04PM

Message Board Replies

  • Have you learned any more about the above?


    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 29th Sep 2015, 01:42PM

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