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The parish of Ballylanders is very special to me because my great-grandparents,James Kenny and Ann Carroll raised their family there in Knockadea. Their son Denis Kenny, born in 1855, was my grandfather. At the present I am searching for a Gallagher family, the family of Denis Kenny's wife.

John Gallagher, National School Teacher, was likely from the Gallagher family of Kilcruaig. He might have first taught in Knockainy. We know from books on the schools that he left Ballyorgan in 1858 and went to Ballylanders, where he replaced Denis Kilmartin. John and Ann had one child baptized in Ballylanders - Helen in 1859. I have no idea how long John remained at Ballylanders school, nor if his children married and stayed in the area. I would dearly love to find a descendant from this family.

John Gallagher married Ann McNamara in Knockainey, likely her parish, in 1850. I think they had four children baptized in this parish: Anthony 1851 (a McNamara name), Michael 1852, Mary 1853, and Catherine 1857. Thomas was baptized in Glenroe and Ballyorgan in 1855, and as I previously mentioned, Helen was baptized in Ballylanders in 1859. Aside from hoping to find a family descendant, it would be helpful to know how long John remained in the Ballylanders school. Is there any way of finding that out? Is there any way of learning whether or not John and Ann's children married in Ireland? I would appreciate any help at all. Thank you, Janice Kenney Fortado


Saturday 10th Nov 2012, 01:20AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi

    Thank you for your message.

    I have forwarded your request for assistance to volunteers who may be able to offer some advice.


    Remember to post as much information as you can with regard to the people you are researching. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.

    Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,                    

    Genealogy Support

    Ireland Reaching Out


    Wednesday 9th Jan 2013, 04:28PM
  • Hi Janice,


    Just a thought, if it would be worth emailing the Ballylanders National School, email address


    There would have to be a record of the Old School principals, many of the schools even if new ones have been built in their place would still have the old roll books in situ,

    I can make a phonecall to the school myself tomorrow and see if thats possible, at least then you might know the duration of his stay at the school,


    Also, do you know where the burial plots of those families would be? we could do a search of the family names on and see does it pull some records. We've done alot of surveying and transcribing of the old graveyards in this part of Limerick so that may yield further information




    Amanda Slattery, Ballyhoura development, Kilfinane

    Wednesday 9th Jan 2013, 04:55PM
  • Amanda, thank you so very much for your helpful reply. I can try the email address and hope that someone will answer me. I had obtained my initial information from a helpful person at the county library, but he found a reference only to John Gallagher at Ballylanders. There were no school records there so there was no way of knowing how long John stayed. I have tried searching for his children but cannot find anything. I am thinking that a residence might be provided for the teacher, but when he retired, or if he died, the family would have to move on. I have no idea if they stayed in Ireland or emigrated.

    I have a great deal of information on my Houndscourt-Kilcruaig family but cannot figure out where John fits in. It would be great to be able to add his family. The author of the book on Glenrue school obtained his information from a member of the extended Gallagher family, but that person thought John probably went to Australia when he left Glenrue. I had found a  Baptism of a child in Ballylanders so thought he might have gone there and not to Australia. With the help of the person from the county library I learned that he did go to Ballylanders school.

    You asked about burial records. Since I don't know where this family moved to (if they did), I have no idea where they would be buried. The Kilcruaig Gallaghers are buried in Mologga graveyard just over the border in Co. Cork. The wording on the stones is illegible at this time, but I do have the information, and there is no mention of John and his family. With other Irish families of mine I have found that many people are buried in the same plot, but only two or three names are on the stone.

    I will let you know what I learn by emailing the school. Thank you again. Jan (Janice Kenney Fortado)




    Sunday 13th Jan 2013, 02:59PM

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