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Any infromation regarding the family of Robert White (gent ) of White Hall ( c 1805-1865)  Wife possibly Ismena Jane "Bonis".

Daughter Ismena Jane White (b 1838)  m. Edward Wynne Frazer 1863 KillanummeryChurch records.

Possibly other children: Dorothea b 1837 , Elliot Adam b 1835 and Elizabeth b 1840

Any information on the White or Bonis family appreciated

Kathy Kelley 


Tuesday 22nd Sep 2015, 02:51PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Kathy

    I haven't been able to find out anything about the White family. There doesn't seem to be a marriage record available though there are some 'Bonis' and 'Bones' families listed in parish records but I cannot say if they are related. I suggest you think about the following:

    (1) Contact the Carrick-on-Shannon Historical Society who will be in a better position to let you know if there is a local publication, for example about the White/Whyte family:

    (2) If you can, take out a subscription to either the British or Irish Newspaper Archives and search for any mention of the Whites in local newspapers of the time. Sometimes, if you keep any eye out, Find My Past and/or Ancestry will allow free access to their newspaper collections and this might give you a lead.

    Let me know how you get on

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 23rd Sep 2015, 03:01PM
  • Thanks so much, I have found some additional information on the Whites of Tullycooley. This is where I believe they lived. I am going to look through some newspapers as you suggested!


    Monday 7th Dec 2015, 10:33PM
  • Great! Keep us up to date, we love to hear about additional snippets of info as they are not always easy to come by!

    Good luck with your search


    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 8th Dec 2015, 09:28AM
  • Hi Kathy,

    I came across your posts about the Whites of Whitehall. I too am very interested in finding out about the history of this family as I live in the area of Tullycooly still locally known as Whitehall!
    I have researched a little about the family and estate since moving to the area with my family 10 years ago - but without a lot of success so far.
    Old maps of the area show where the original house stood and the Irish Census records (online) show the White Family in residence as landlords up to 1911. After that, I have no information. The house no longer exists but the original sheds and gateposts are still there, about 50 feet from our own house.
    Have you a connection to the family, or to the area?

    Wednesday 18th May 2016, 01:10PM
  • Thanks so much. Yes, I do have a connection.

     I have a distant cousin who has also visted your area, she told me that the house no longer exists. Next time I am in the area I will have to come look for the posts. I live in the US but might be there in August, not sure if I will get to Leitrim. I drove through the area about a year ago, my great grandmother was born in Ballyfarnon.

    My 2nd great grandmother was Ismena Jane White and, per her marriage record (Killanummery, COI), her father Robert White (gent) was of Whitehall or White Hall. I am trying to figure out exactly who her mother was. I have some old work that was done by another researcher suggesting that her name was Jane Bonis, but I have not been able to confirm it. Ismena's husband was Edward Wynne Frazer, of whom we can find a few in the area. His father was listed as 'Archie" Frazer. (Archibald Frazer is also a common name). My cousin and I believe that he was Archibald Frazer of Tullynure and are also trying to confirm that. Ismena emmigrated to the US with some of her children, Edward stayed in Ireland and appears to have married a Emma Martha Thompson in 1899, he died in 1912. Ismena died in 1922 and is buried in the US.

    Based on what I have pieced together, I belive that some the Whites stayed in the area for a while: Adam Elliot White m Jane Burrows and had about 6 children one of whom was Robert Alexander White d 1926. He had a son Sidney Robert Alexander who was born Tullcooly in 1903, I believe that he emmigrated to England where he died in 1987. he is the last of the line that I have found any records on.

    Many thanks for reaching out! Please let me know if you learn aything more!

    Kathy Kelley





    Thursday 19th May 2016, 04:35PM
  • Hi Kathy

    It is fascinating to hear your family history from a descendant of the White Family.

    If you look up the 1901 and 1911 census records, it shows Robert Alexander White, age 45, as Head of Family at Whitehall in 1911. Is he your Great Great Grandmother's father? There's no mention of Ismena Jane at that time, but he has 3 sons- Walter, Sydney & Oscar. He is married to Charlotte, age 43, who was born in Sweden. Actually, she's there in 1901 also, just married and going by the first name Lottie?

    Friday 20th May 2016, 10:24PM
  • Actually Kathy, I think I was one generation out in my last post.

    I think I mixed up the Roberts!

    Have you viewed the census records?


    Friday 20th May 2016, 10:37PM
  • I am trying to go back to the 1800's , my second ggmother Ismena Jane White Frazer was born in 1838, I believe that my 3rd gg Ismena (Bonis?) White died in 1871. (29 Nov 1871 • Dromahaire, Leitim, Ireland.Registered Manorhamilton; gentleman's widow Whitehall' Reported by Adam White of Whitehall b 1805 based on age).  Robert Alexander White would be my distant cousin (1st cousin 3x removed), I do have that record for 1911.

    If you ahve any picture sof the area, please share !



    Saturday 21st May 2016, 03:20PM
  • I thought you might find these of interest- describes the changing hands of the Beagh and Whitehall property(1904). I also found a detailed description of Robert Alexander Whites land holdings and various marriage settlements (1913). The third article describes a land dispute between other relatives in 1929.




    Monday 15th Aug 2016, 10:55PM
  • Update: My GG Grandmothers maiden name appears to be Ismena Burrows (Burrowes / Burris) it was improperly transcribed as Bonis. I otained her daughters death cert.

    I went to the registry of deeds and tracked down the 1829  memorial deed for the marriage of John Phibbs William White of Whitehall to Jane Kildahl of Sligo, Co Sligo; William Gardiner of Greyfort , Co Sligo, Vavasour Kildahl of Sligo, Co Sligo. The settlement also mentions Samuel Hamilton of Dromore , Co Leitrim.The townlands involved William Gardiner and Vavasour Kildahl include Drumany, Cruckagawney, Derrineher, Tullycooly, Beagh, Moher and Ardvoley and a house called Settlefield (Maybe Spotfield?)- spelling was difficult to transcribe.

    I did not have much luck fing the other marriage settlements, have to go back again! I am visting the Manorhamilton/ Leitrim/ Sligo area tommorrow but only have the one day!




    Thursday 30th Mar 2017, 10:24PM
  • Dear Kathy:


    That is great news that you have been able to gather more information about your family.  If you need further assistance, please let us know.


    In the meantime, many thanks for sharing further information as others interested in the same family will see this and may be able to collaborate further.


    Kind regards,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Tuesday 4th Apr 2017, 09:27AM
  • Attached Files
    Whitehall.png (3.14 MB)

    David (Fitzy) and Jane or other Volunteers

    I am planning on being in the area of Tullycoly in a few weeks. 

    I have an old OSI map that shows where Whitehall once was and would realy like to get as close as possible on this trip. I got very lost on my last try (ended up in the ountains by the wind turbines- GPS fault) It looks like if I get to Beagh I will be very close.

    If you are going to be in the area please let me know. Our itinerary puts us in the area around sligo on Monday- Tuesday 23-24 March 2020.

    If anyone else from the parish is around that woudl be appreaciated as well!

    Kathy Kelley

    I will be checking email while in Ireland


    Monday 24th Feb 2020, 11:20PM
  • The location of the White / Whyte house in Tullycooley is well known locally. I don't know if the house is still standing but I know that the neighbouring Hamilton family grazed cattle on that land in the 70s and 80s. Remember that the Adam White was a Protestant landlord who would have been part of the subjugation of the native indigenous Irish catholic population. No one in the area, including my own family would have shed any tears after they fled and abandoned their ill gotten gains after Irish independence.

    Joe Keaveny

    Tuesday 25th Feb 2020, 07:14PM
  • Joe-

    Thank you for your reply. 

     I have read some terrible things about Adam White from newspaper accounts. We can't always pick our ancestors, but he is one of mine. This on my mothers- mothers- mothers line. I understand that the house is no longer standing.

    Most of my other realtives were from Cork, they were hard working Irish Catholics.





    Tuesday 25th Feb 2020, 10:15PM
  • Sale of Whitehall by Charlotte White in 1939

    Charlotte "Lottie" Johnson (d 1947) wife of Robert Alexander White (1866-1929)


    Thursday 3rd Feb 2022, 01:52PM

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