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looking for descendants of patrick phelan father of a son denis who lived on barnaboy road outside of roscrea.  also on the road were maher's, and teehan,s

last know phelan of that address was patrick in 1959.

Sunday 23rd Feb 2014, 07:38PM

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  • Good Morning

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in replying to your message. 

    I have passed your query to a volunteer, hopefully they will be able to assist you further

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 26th Mar 2014, 10:14AM
  • .

    I have researched a number of families in Kyle parish and would like to have contact with people interested in this parish.

    Bridget Jones

    Monday 5th Dec 2016, 04:08PM
  • Once you are joined to the parish you will be notified by email (if you have chosen to tick the notification box in your account) about anyone who is asking about ancestors in this parish

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 6th Dec 2016, 08:48AM
  • Denis Phelan married Mary Moloney. Denis died in 1896. They had ten children, Mary, Anne, Patrick, Margaret, Arthur, John, Richard, Kate, Sarah Anne and Elizabeth. Some of the family died young. Others may have emigrated. Sarah died in 1957. Patrick died in 1960. There is no member of this family living in Barnaboy. 

    Monday 25th Feb 2019, 02:12PM

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