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Looking for information about my great grandparents William Conroy and Margaret McEvoy. The were married somewhere in the 1850's-1860-s. They had at least 8 children a daughter Mary and sons William, Michael, and Joseph Patrick Conroy the latter being my grandfather who came to America with a female cousin last name McCann or Mc McMahon in 1901. He lived in Gloucester City NJ. Want to know any relations still living in Laois. Would also like to know more about his other siblings.

Wednesday 13th Mar 2013, 04:10PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello, I have indeed found William Conroy and McEvoy wedding. I will now try and put the family together for you. will be back to you soon with all info.


    Martin O'Brien

    Thursday 14th Mar 2013, 03:18PM
  • Hello again,

    William Conroy and Margaret McEvoy married on the 2/11/1857 and had 8 children

    John 1858.

    Patrick born 1860.

    James 1867.

    Michael 1871.

    Julia Mary 1874.

    Joseph 1878.

    Edward 1881.

    Laurence 1884.

    I can't find any reference to a William being born to this family and no reference to William Snr fathers name and the same for Margaret's  Father. The funny thing about this family is i think this william might be a brother to my great great grandmother Catherine or Kate Conroy who married a Patrick Hogan in 1859 but i can't put them together as the records only go back to 1849 but some of the hogans sponsored Laurence and Joseph.

    I don't know if this helps you in any way and I'd love to know if you have any more info from your side.

    in the 1901 Census for them with William being a Widower and I can't find any reference to when Margaret Died.

    Thursday 14th Mar 2013, 07:28PM
  • Martin forgot to mention there was a Barney Conroy living in this same small town Of Gloucester, N.J. I always wondered if they were related somehow with Joseph Conroy. Maybe with the info you send me and any connections over in Laois we may find out a bit more. There was a Catherine Conroy in Gloucester too but have no clue how related. Michael did name one of his kids Catherine so maybe after an Aunt?

    Thursday 14th Mar 2013, 11:59PM

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