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my x3 grandparents Mark Kenna and Judith Kearns may have been married in Ballyadams about 1828 based on the birth of Thomas 3 Nov 1828. Michael Kenna was baptised Oct 1831 and my x2 grandfather Edward was baptised Nov 1834. 

There is a possible second marriage for Mark Kenna to an Anne Kelly on 5 Aug 1840 with a son Daniel born 28 Aug 1844. The address for this marriage is given as Luggacurren.

The address for all four boys is given as Fallybeg.

i would appreciate any further details,



Sunday 27th Jul 2014, 11:02AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi again Ang

    Couldn't find the first marriage but the second is there.

    The parish is also BALLYADAMS R C not Luggacurran on rootsireland

    I forgot to suggest on the other post that the marriage record may have ages and parish of bride and groom with which to search for birth/baptism records on rootsireland


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 27th Jul 2014, 11:48AM
  • Thanks for the prompt reply Col :)

    Unfortunately the Roots Ireland record doesn't have any further information. I assume the only way would be to view the parish record itself?


    Sunday 27th Jul 2014, 12:03PM
  • I havn't seen ages on early RC marriage records, but the original, and transcript, may show place of residence for the bride or groom, and would often include the names of two witnesses to the marriage, but not usually any details of parents.

    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 27th Jul 2014, 02:36PM

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