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I have quite a bit of information on my four families, including their townlands. My goal is to meet cousins from these families. How do I find a living cousin from these families?


Sunday 2nd Apr 2017, 03:53AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Mary-Kate,

    The Irish phone book is free online at

    Select people search, enter a surname & Laois in Location and you'll find no Chesters, 1 Larkin, 2 Keenans & 43 Phelans in Laois.

    If you don't get any replies on the site you might want to run off a letter outlining your ancestors & the parishes they were from & send them off; we have had success from this before and you never know your luck.


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 2nd Apr 2017, 09:56AM
  • Question:

    Are the phone numbers in land lines only? Is there a directory for cell phones?


    Thank you for your help. I will probably slow mail the addresses listed at the site.


    Mary Kathryn


    Tuesday 4th Apr 2017, 04:52AM

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