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Patrick Hanrahan was born on March 17, 1837, son of Michael Hanrahan and Bridget Cunningham.  Possibility in Kilkenny.  Patrick is my great-great-grandfather.

Possible that Michael Hanrahan's parents names might have been Patrick & Bridget.

Patrick Hanrahan (1837) came to the United States in 1855 on the ship "Cornielius Lawrence".  Patrick was Irish Catholic, he married a girl he met on the ship, Anne Marie Kelly who was Irish Protestant..

LOOKING FOR verification that the Hanrahan and Cunningham familes are from Kilkenny, what part, their birth dates, marriage date other children.  Did they come to the U.S. or die in Ireland.  Any other information is greatly appreciated.

Charles Allen

Maryland, USA

Friday 6th Sep 2013, 09:36PM

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