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I am looking for information relating to Michael Lynch born in 1790.

Monday 29th Dec 2014, 04:39PM

Message Board Replies

  • John:

    Very few church records are available back to 1790. I searched the Roots Ireland indexes for Co. Kilkenny from 1785-1795 and the only record I located was a Michael Lynch in 1794. The baptism was in St. Canice's RC church in Kilkenny town and the parents were Patrick and Mary.

    Roots is a subscription site.

    Next summer, the National Library plans to put the parish registers online for free searching.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 29th Dec 2014, 04:58PM
  • Roger,

    Thank you so very much for serching the records for this information. My records show Michael Lynch as born in 1790, However it could very well be 1794. In addition my records show Michael's parents as Edward Lynch and Helen Lynch (Masterson)., no dates. Do your records show his parents names ?

    To further complicate things, my verbal family history has it that Michael Lynch may have come from County Cork.

    Realy appreciate your help.


    Thursday 5th Feb 2015, 05:53PM
  • John

    The record I located for 1794 had the parents as Patrick and Mary.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 5th Feb 2015, 08:03PM
  • Roger I have Michael Lynch and his wife Catherine Lynch (Gorman). Can you also search the records from County Cork? John.

    Thursday 5th Feb 2015, 09:28PM
  • John:

    I searched Roots Ireland and  (The Cork church records that are available are split between the two sites). I could not find a record of a Michael Lynch with parents Michael and Catherine.

    Many churches do not have records existing back to the late 1700s.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 5th Feb 2015, 09:44PM
  • Roger

    Possibly I should be looking for his son Thomas Michael Lynch 1821.

    Again I think Kilkenny and/or Cork County.



    Thursday 5th Feb 2015, 11:16PM
  • John:

    No luck in Co. Kilkenny. I did find an 1821 baptism in St. Finbars church in Cork city.Thomas Lynch parents Michael Lynch and Ellen Donovan. What was the name of Michael Lynch's wife?


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 6th Feb 2015, 01:17AM
  • Roger,

    While looking for "Family" it is hard keep from hoping over disiplined thought. I naturaly very much hope that we are on the correct trail.

    My records show; Thomas Michael Lynch 1821 - 1879. His father was Michael Lynch 1790 - 1895 and his mother was Catherine Lynch (Gorman) 1792 - 1895.

    Do you have any record of a Catherine Gorman in County Cork in this time frame,

    Do you think it possable that Ellen Donovan could have been Michael's first wife ?

    Roger in your experiance and access to information, do you ever see records of imagration ?




    Friday 6th Feb 2015, 05:19PM

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