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Hello all, my interest in the area is the Waring family and the original Pottlerath estate .


Sunday 11th Dec 2016, 03:30AM

Message Board Replies


    Interesting question. What families or connections do you have in this area? It would also help if we could address you by name. I am interested in the FOGARTY families who leased land from John Waring. I have also wondered about the Waring family. I hope someone can help you.

    Dale Fogarty


    Monday 12th Dec 2016, 03:07AM
  • Hello Dale , My name is (Alan) Scott Waring and i am a decendent from John Waring who owned and lived in the Pottlerath estate ,Kilmanagh . My mother recently passed away and I have taken on the family history task . Hard to know where to start . From my memory i have been shown many photos of the main and gate house which are still in existance but the property has been devided .My  parents actually visited the main  property and got to speak to the current owners. At the moment the gate house still  exist and is on the property market at the moment. The last ​i recently read was our line came to Australia via Fiji and were involved in the sugar industry (CSR) including my father .

    Regards, Scott Waring

    Tuesday 13th Dec 2016, 05:03AM
  • Hi Scott, ​

     The best place to start is with what you know - yourself, your parents, your grandparents... births, marriages and deaths. How much information or research has your mother already done? Is it well organised? Who came to Australia and when? This will lead to what you want to know and this will guide your research. I have found information from the chrurch and civil records and Griffith's Valuation and land records. Where are you in Australia? There's plenty of help available and Irish research is becoming a lot easier.

    Good luck with your quest.






    Wednesday 14th Dec 2016, 07:26AM

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