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I am researching Mary Kavanagh born 18 Dec 1873, baptised 20 dec 1873 daughter of Thomas Kavanagh and Mary Dunphy.  I would appreciate any information of Mary's life in Kilmacow prior to moving to the UK by 1900.  Did she have siblings, what school did she attend, Kavanagh and Dunphy relatives etc; anything that will allow me to build a picture of her early years. 

Monday 27th May 2013, 07:29AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dannemois:

    I looked at the 1901 census and found one Kavanagh family in Kilmacow. The fathers name was Thomas, however, the mother was Ellen and they had a daughter Mary age 22.

    I assume this family was related to your Kavanaghs. Did mary emigrate with her entire family?

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 1st Jun 2013, 03:07PM
  • Hello Roger

    Thanks for making contact:  I believe the family you quoted emigrated to America.  I have located the 'Mary Kavanagh' I am researching in Wales by 1900 (marriage).  She married Thomas Lewis and they remained in Wales.   Its very likely the two are related but as yet I have little detail to go on.

    Regards, Roy

    Saturday 1st Jun 2013, 05:08PM
  • Mary Kavanagh born 20/12/1873 had one sister Brigid born 30/03/1867 and four brothers James my grandfatrer  29/03/1869 John 05/07/1870, Patrick 29/05/1872, Nicholas 17/11/1875.


    Wednesday 13th Apr 2016, 06:38PM
  • Hello all, My name is Phil Smith and I live in Wales.  Mary Kavanagh was my Great Grandmother.  Is anyone still doing research on this side of the Kavanagh family ? Would love to swap information and photos.  Hope to hear from someone soon ...... stretch3, I have your Grandfathers military records, I also have John's too ...... Regards, Phil


    Saturday 15th Jul 2017, 11:29AM

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