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I'm researching my husband's family: I know Michaelem Timberman was born December 14, 1818, we believe in Castlecomer. I have found a Michl Timberman listed with the Parish of Kilmacar in 1833, which is a possiblity. I know Michaelem Timberman arrived through Canada in or about 1848 and eventually made his way to Ohio where he met and married Aliciam Sanders on February 16, 1852 at St. John's Cathedral in Cleveland, OH  Listed as witness on the marriage certificate is Judith Timberman (?sibling or relative) and Joannes Berrigan.  Michaelem changed his name to Michael Timbers. I have Aliciam Sanders born May 14 1826 in Ballraget, Kilkenny/died March 30, 1904.  Michael and Alice had 9 children all going by the surname TIMBERS. 1853 Patrick (born Ohio) 1855 James and Charles(Born Ft. Wayne, Indiana, Charles died in 1856), 1857 Robert & Mary, 1859 John, 1861 Stephen, 1864 Michael, 1867 Edward, 1870 Richard. The last 7 children were all born in and around Mauston, WI which is where Michael Timbers died on June 2, 1906. Federal Census list both Michael and Alice's parents born in Ireland.  My father-in-law has gone to Ireland twice looking for more information on the orginal Timberman or Sanders family and was unable to locate any information, which leads me to believe the Parish of Kilmacar could very well hold the information I am looking for. Can you help me?

Friday 18th Dec 2015, 08:43PM

Message Board Replies

  • Judith:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I think the 1833 Tithe records you found are likely for your family. Burnsgrove is not an official townland but likely was a placename in 1833 in Kilmacar parish but was subsumed into another townland when the 1851 census was completed and the townlands were standardized. Kilmacar civil parish is just to the southwest of Castlecomer parish. Finding baptismal or marriage records will be problematic. The parish register for Castlecomer is the first link below but there is a 10 year gap in the records from October 1818-December 1828 which may include your Michael's baptismal record. The register for Ballyragget does not start until 1856 which means all the earlier records including the baptismal record for Alice Sanders are not available. I also included the register for Conahy RC parish which is nearby and records start in 1832.

    I also checked the Griffiths Valuation records and there were no Timbermans listed in all of Ireland.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 18th Dec 2015, 09:16PM
  • Judith

    I am familiar with Kilmacar, look up Kilmacar graveyard on
    There are no Timbermans there. I have not come across the name before. I'll have to think about it, could it be a misspelling of another name. Reference to Byrnesgrove above. It was in Kilmacar parish, now in Ballyragget parish. Kilmacar is now in the parish of Conahy, seperated from Ballyragget in 1832. Any records prior to that were destroyed in a fire in Ballyragget in 1844. Has anyone checked DNA to see what names your family might link with.


    Friday 19th Jul 2019, 07:56PM
  • I know this is an old post but I have a Mary Timberman and John Brennan whose son is James Brennan (-1866). He was the first husband of my gg grandmother.  He was from Co Kilkenny and the names of his parents were on his marriage and death certificates.  He may have been able to read and write as he seems to have signed his marriage registration so I am thinking the spelling was correct of his mothers surname but unsure. He married Anne/Anastasia Shea/O'Shea in Victoria Australia in 1859, they had 4 children and he died in 1866. She remarried another Irish immigrant from Co Kilkenny.  Her second husband was John Byrne and I think he and his siblings were born in the town of Muckalee. I have wondered if they were all from the same area in Co Kilkenny. There were 3 Shea/O'Shea siblings that emigrated to Australia and 1 to America.

    Timberman seems to be a rare surname.

    Juliet did you get any further with your research? Cheers Donna


    Wednesday 18th Oct 2023, 08:45AM

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