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Hello all in Kells,

I spent many happy 6 week holidays as a child with my nan in kells and wish to find out more about her and my my grandfather. they were Peter and Annie(nee Morris) Farrelly and lived on Fair Green.

I know that both are buried in the town (sperate cemetaries?) and that my grandfather was active in the old IRA prior to indepence. I have searched the web of witness statements but with little joy. I have come to the age (61) where just visitng their graves once a year is not enough and am desperate to know more while I still have air inmy lungs. 

Many thanks for taking the time read this.


Saturday 11th Oct 2014, 07:34PM

Message Board Replies

  • Afternoon

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you!

    I have passed this to a volunteer in a neighbouring parish in Meath. I hope you will hear from her soon.

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 15th Oct 2014, 11:37AM
  • Hello,

    Clare Doyle passed your message to me. I normally look at Moynalty. I know Kells town layout, churches and graveyards, but not its people.

    I'll try and locate a Kells person who is into kells local history for info on the 1918-1922 era in Kells. I'm not supprised you didn't get a hit on Peter Farrelly in the witness statements. I only got one hit on a guy I look up before and it was one sentence!!

    Take a look at Is that your grandmother listed in the Morris grave in St Columba's. When did your grandfather die and where did he bury? Any headstone?

    It that your Morris family on Lord Edward St in Kells on the 1901 and 1911 census. This census info can be used to trace them on Church and civil records to trace your ancestors. Any idea where Farrellys are on the census.

    I'll be back with more info and websites next message.

    Catherine McCormack

    cathm43, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 18th Oct 2014, 12:16PM
  • Many thanks for that.


    Wednesday 3rd Dec 2014, 01:59PM
  • Thank you Catherine, appreciate it
    Best wishes
    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 3rd Dec 2014, 02:12PM

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