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As part of my broader research on my mother's side i have come across the family of Robert Lord who married Ellen/Eleanor Mullin in St Columbkille's, Kells 26 April 1838. With a number of children they emigrated to South Australia about 1863. Robert was a Tailor. Two sons were Robert (fourth son) born about 1850 (died Melbourne Vic, 1885) and Arthur Austin Lord, born about 1855 who married my Great Great Aunt Ellen Wilson in Adelaide 18 february 1882. The marriage info comes from a news article when Robert and Ellen celebrated thier Diamond wedding anniversary in 1898.

I have found a couple of Griffiths Val'n ref's for Townparks and GrangegoddanGlebe.

Is therre anyone looking at this family?

Bill O'Reilly

Brisbane QLD

(of Westmeath O'Reillys - but that's another story)


Sunday 25th Jan 2015, 11:13PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear William

    Apologies for the long delay in getting back to you. Have you been able to find out any more about the above?

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 7th Jul 2015, 08:52AM

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