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I'm hoping someone can help me find KILFOYLE or GUILFOY(LE) and BRENNAN families in the Cuffesgrange area.  I'm a little confused as I can't locate "Cuff's Grange", only Cuffesgrange, Grangecuffe, and Grange.  I'm not sure if I'm in the correct parish group.

My son's ancestor Ellen KILFOYLE (b. bet 1838-1842) in "Cuff's Grange" and died in Manchester, England.  Her father was James.  I found a probable marriage of Ellen to Thomas MARTIN on 9 July 1860 in St Nicholas (RC) Church, Dublin.  Ellen's parents were cited as James KILFOYLE and Mary BRENNAN of Kilkenny.

Any assistance would be much appreciated.

Thank you, Lynda in New Zealand

Tuesday 5th Nov 2013, 07:28PM

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