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My 3-great grandparents, Patrick Shortal and Anastatia Purcil lived in Dunnamaggan West according to stories passed down through the family. This is confirmed by Griffith's. Their marriage on 21 November 1821 is recorded in the Windgap Catholic Parish records. Witnesses were Michael Brennan and Mary Brennan. 

My great-great grandfather, Michael Shortell (as he spelled it after emigrating to America) was baptized in Windgap Parish in January 1825, his brother James in 1831, sister Mary in 1833, and brother William in 1836. The residence for all was listed as Dunnamaggan. God parents names include Brennan, Phelan, and Comerford. Michael and his siblings emigrated to the US in the early 1850s and settled in Salem, Massachusetts. 

I believe I've exhausted the existing civil and church records, but perhaps someone else connected to Dunnamaggan has information that will add to the picture. Thanks!


Tuesday 20th Dec 2016, 03:13AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Ellen

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the long day in getting back to you.

    Given that you believe that Michael and all of his siblings emigrated it might be difficult to find out more. I take it you have already checked for a death record/burial record for his parents?  You could also see if the family name is listed on the Tithes

    You could also check out to see if there is a record of the parent's baptisms, this will depend of course on their parish of baptism and if records exist at that point.

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 6th Jan 2017, 10:50AM
  • It turns out that Dunnamaggan parish is missing from the digitized Tithe Applotment books. I've looked on the National Archive site as well as in Does anyone happen to know why? Accidental omission, illegible books, or untitheable land? The last seems unlikely.




    Sunday 5th Feb 2017, 03:37PM

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