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I am researching my ancestors John Butler and Julia Jackson.  They were married on 22 November 1824, Ahamucky in the Parish of Muckalee.  Julia's parents were Thomas Jackson and Mary Mulally.  Julia's known sisters were Catherine bapt 18 Oct 1802,  Elizabeth b. 1803, and Margaret b. 1810

John and Julia had a son Tobias who went to Australia around 1849.  I think on the ship "Courier".  I don't know if he had any other siblings.

I'd love to find out more of John Butler.  Were there any other children?  What was John's parents names?

Saturday 21st Jun 2014, 11:24AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear  PBLN

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Have you looked to see what details are listed on the Co. Kilkenny marriage of John and Julia for 1824? Their fathers? names should be listed there. You may then be lucky and be able to find John?s baptism record and can also search for any siblings he may have had.  You can use or

    Let us know if you find anything more

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 23rd Jun 2014, 02:37PM
  • The rootsireland site gave me a marriage date but parents are not recorded.  The witness were named Thomas Butler and a Judith Kelly.  Of course I have no idea who this Thomas Butler is!

    Sunday 31st May 2015, 04:34AM
  • Morning

    You may find that given the early period of the search and the poor volume of records, it will be necessary to undergo an information gathering exercise, like the above, in the hope that at some point in the future additional records become available. Have you had a look at for any possible connections via their member family trees?

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 2nd Jun 2015, 08:35AM
  • I am a little non plussed,I have a g.g.grandparent by the name of Julia Jackson who married Edward Crennan and had at least 3 children Mary,Michael and John. All the records I have so far indicate Julia's parents were Thomas and mother Mary Mulally.

    Did perhaps Julia have 2 marriages? My Julia as far as I know didn't emigrate (here) to Australia


    Thursday 9th Jun 2016, 11:09PM
  • Hi Larry

    If you would like for me to pass along your email address you can contact me at

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 15th Jun 2016, 09:07AM
  • Hi Clare, I think your email address is incorrect as it keeps bouncing back at me!





    Thursday 16th Jun 2016, 08:16AM
  • So sorry, it should read

    All the best


    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 17th Jun 2016, 11:59AM
  • Hi Larry.  Definitely need to know more.  Other than the marriage of  Julia and John I don't know what happened to them. They didn't go to Australia.   My only link is their son Tobias' death certificate that states their names as parents.  Perhaps John died and Julia remarried?  



    Saturday 18th Jun 2016, 11:04PM
  • I don't believe Julia was ever married twice. Her 3 children (that I know of,including my gg grandmother)all had her listed as Julia or Johanna Jackson on their wedding certificates and if she had been married before ,her maiden name would not appear! I am pretty certain I have the corect Julia/Judith as her sisters include Margaret Jackson who went on and married Lawrence Collier . Through family hearsay the Colliers,Jackson and Crennans were all related somewhere and I believe that to be the link. I did also find a death record for a Judith Crennan for 1/3/1883 at Crutt where she is listed as being 94 years old which doesn't fit with her baptisimal date of 1804!.Also Edward Crennan's death record of 5/21877 at Ahamucky lists him as being 80 years old and a WIDOWER! I think alot of people have just plucked the marriage of a John Butler to a Judith Jackson as being my "Julia?Judith" and just added to trees and everyone has followed like sheep.Your thoughts? cheers Larry


    Monday 20th Jun 2016, 12:31AM
  • Larry, funny you say the Colliers, Jackson and Crennans being related, because we've also had the name Brennan in the mix of Colliers and Butler.  I agree that there is a lot of sheep following.  That's what I find on Ancestry.  I'm careful about 'claiming' anyone.   I had someone in Australia also researching this line. (I'm in NZ)  We researched for years.  Before the Julia and John marriage info was online, my friend went to the parish and did the research the old fashioned way. AT the parish of Muckalee she found the baptisms of CAtherine 1802 and Judith  1804 Jackson naming the parents Thomas and Mary, then there was the marriage of John and Judith.  It was gutting to not have their parents listed though.  Only the witnesses.   As well as our Jackson link, we are trying to connect the Butlers.  Two Jackson sisters married two Butler's.  But we haven't figured out the relatlionship between the Butler's.  Elizabeth Jackson married James Butler and on their son Thomas's death certificate, (Australia)  the informant was Tobias Butler, cousin.  The signature is a good match to my Tobias.  Then when my Tobias died, the informant was Thomas Collier, cousin.  So they are definitely linked together.

    I agree that if Julia married twice then surely she would have been Julia Butler.


    Monday 20th Jun 2016, 05:16AM

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