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I am trying to track down birth/baptism records for John Wade and Catherine Fleming who I believe were born in Castelcomer around 1819-1825.  Unfortunately, these dates fall within the missing records of 1818-1828.   Does anyone know why there is a gap in the records and if there is any chance of ever locating them?

John Wade was miner who emigrated to Heckscherville PA in the 1840s and was married to Catherine Fleming.  I do not know if they married before or after coming to the US.  

Thanks so much!

Thursday 11th Dec 2014, 03:09PM

Message Board Replies

  • Mary:

    You can contact the parish and see what they can tell you about the missing years.

    More than likely the parish priest at the time kept the records away from the church and they were lost at some point.

    In case you are not aware, the National Library plans to put all Catholic parish records online next summer for free searching. This won't help you with the missing years for Castlecomer but maybe there are other parish records you need to search.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 11th Dec 2014, 03:44PM
  • Thanks so much, Roger.  I did not know about the Catholic parish records going on line next year.  That is great news.


    Thursday 11th Dec 2014, 07:51PM

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