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I am trying to trace my Irish ansestry through my grandmother's maternal line.

I have lineage information tracing back to the 1700's.  My great-grandmother's name was Catherine Ann Purcell and we are unsure of her birthplace and year due to a mistake in the recording. 

However, we have her father as born in County Kilkinny in 1826 and her mother in Newry, County Down in 1832.

We have Catherine Ann Purcell's grandfather as being born in Castlecomer, County Kilkenny in 1795. His name was Tobias Purcell.

Tobias Purcell's father, Nicholas Purcell, was also born in Castlecomer, County Kilkenny as well.

Any help anyone can give us to acquire missing dates and info, documents, and photos, as well as find relatives still living in Ireland, would be much appreciated.


Rachel Dobbs

Monday 4th Feb 2013, 06:42AM

Message Board Replies


    Hi Rachel,


    Thank you for your message.


    I hope that someone recognises the family and is able to make a connection with you to share information.


    Perhaps it may also be an idea to contact Kilkenny family history centre for assistance- a fee may apply. Here are their contact details:

    Rothe House & Garden,

    Rother House,

    Parliament Street,


    Phone: +353 (0) 56 7722893  


    Kind regards,


    Genealogy Support



    Monday 8th Apr 2013, 03:12PM

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