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I am descended from Philip Murray & Anne Sheedy or Sheehy who married in Borrisokane in 1831. Their son Patrick Philip Murrray 1846 - 1929 was my great grandfather. I know Philip & Anne had a daughter Mary in 1832 but have so far identified no other children. 

I would be grateful for any help finding other children & any of their living decendants. Philip in 1837, and Patrick in 1864, joined the 87th regiment RIF in 1837, so if Anne stayed at home, there may be a gap in childrens' births but I would expect others between 1833 & 1846. Philip died in Cashel Barracks in 1854, I do not know when or where Anne died.

Thank you. 



Sunday 29th Jun 2014, 02:39PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear pavonia

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    RC records for Borrisokane begin in 1821 with missing dates for marriages between January and October 1844. There is a baptism record on for a Mary Murray in Co. Tipperary in 1832 as you say. This Mary was born to a father Philip and a mother surname Sheehan. As it is a subscription site I am limited in what I can see, but I assume that this is the information you already have on her. There is also a record of a Patrick born to a father Philip Sheehan in Co. Tipperary in 1843. It might be a good idea to have a look so that you can rule it in or out.

    Did Patrick emigrate? If not, you could check the 1901 Census:

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support  

    Wednesday 2nd Jul 2014, 12:08PM

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