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Looking for information and or ancestors of John McEnery who came to the USA with his wife Catherine Kennedy Mc Enery and three children (one of which was Julia MCEnery age 3. Julia was my grandmother on my mother's side.) in the late 1800's . I believe they were McHenry when in Callan Kilkenney and that was changed to McEnery when they arrived in the USA.

Wednesday 12th Jun 2013, 09:20PM

Message Board Replies

  • John and Catherine were married in 1879. You can write to the GRO  fill out their form and provide the quarter/year of marriage, registration district (Callan) and the volume and page number ( 4 and 539). It will cost around 4 euros. The record should show the fathers names and the townlands where they lived.

    Roger McDonnell


    First Name: Catherine  

    • Last Name: Kennedy  
    • Year: 1879  
    • Registered Quarter/Year: Jan - Mar 1879  
    • Registration District: Callan  
    • Volume: 4  
    • Page: 539  

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 13th Jun 2013, 01:49AM

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