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Catherine Peters married Thomas Guilfoyle in 1872 (age 20)  at the Chapel Grange, Kilkenny. her given address at the time of her marriage was Blackstone Bridge, Kells, Kilkenny. on her marriage cert her fathers name was simply given as "- Peters", & deceased. I am trying to find anyone who may have a connection with a Peters family from the same Townland/parish. 

Saturday 20th Sep 2014, 08:25PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Maria

    There is a record of the baptism of Catherine Peters Kilkenny 1851 on www, ( a pay site)

    The parish is FRESHFORD RC; if you purchase the record it MAY have the parents' names

    I could only find 1 Peters in the Irish phone book: Matt Peters Ltd Ind Est Hebron Rd Kilkenny


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 21st Sep 2014, 02:03AM
  • Thank you Cath, I have now purchased the Baptisim record..... unfortunatly i am still none the wiser if this is the my Catherine. need to dig deeper i think! 

    Tuesday 23rd Sep 2014, 04:16PM
  • Hi Maria
    I was called Mary last week and now Cath so I'm getting a bit of a complex!!

    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 23rd Sep 2014, 09:18PM
  • OMG!! I am so sorry, i asumed it was Cath, as he said Cath ubove the e-mail, again I am sorry.


    Wednesday 24th Sep 2014, 04:08PM
  • I was joking Maria - I have been called worse Cath (short for Catherine) was the title of the email as we Australians shorten names

    Cheers Col

    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 24th Sep 2014, 09:58PM
  • Hello are you still looking for info on Catherine Peters? I am a descendant of her.

    Sunday 14th Apr 2019, 01:06AM

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