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My ancestor, William Allen, was baptised by Mr Fletcher, Chaplain of 22nd Light Dragoons, on 27 January 1800.  His father, Edward, was a soldier in that regiment and I want to know if he, or his wife Eliza, was Irish or English, but as there are no birth records available for that period to give me a clue, I would like to find out where the Chaplain would have lodged such details.  As a child I was always told our family originated in Ireland, and really hoped that was true, as I love the country.  (I live in Devon, UK but spent time in Ireland when script editing 'Ballykissangel').  Could anyone help me with this please? 

Friday 21st Mar 2014, 04:47PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi

    Do you have any service records for Edward Allen?  They might have some info.



    Kildare Town

    Friday 21st Mar 2014, 11:27PM
  • Hi Maggie,


    I would apply to the MOD for Edward's service record, it really gives a lot of information. Marriage, children, where he served, pension etc.

    The record costs £30 and takes 4/6 weeks, you have details of his regiment.




    Saturday 22nd Mar 2014, 01:52PM
  • Hi Maggie,

    I am a descendant of William's parents, the soldier Edward and his wife Eliza (through William's younger brother Edward), and indeed my ancestor, Edward junior's son, Timothy, was living in the house of your ancestor, William Allen in 1851.

    Did you try out the MOD suggestion? Did it provide any information?



    Friday 21st Apr 2023, 02:36PM

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