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I have traced my family to my 3rd great grandfather, Benjamin Gibson Blowney, who emmigrated, at age 16, to the United States. He arrived in New York, aboard the Andrew Foster, on August 14, 1849. Also on board was Mary Jane Blowney, aged 18. He was born on January 6, 1834 in Naas, County Kildare. His occupation was listed as a harness maker. Through another researcher I learned that his father's name was also Benjamin, and his mother's name was Eleanor Gibson, though, I've nothing to substantiate these claims. All my information was gained from US census/military/immigration/directory records.

Sunday 13th Jul 2014, 12:23AM

Message Board Replies

  • Kim:

    I checked out Roots Ireland which is a pay site if you want to view a transcription of a church record.

    I located an 1827 marriage in the Naas Church of Ireland records for a Benjamin Blowney. His wife's first name was Eleanor but Gibson did not work for her surname.

    I also located an 1835 baptismal record for a Benjamin Blowney whose father was Benjamin and his mother was Eleanor. Again Gibson did not work for the surname.

    You may want to check out these records.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 13th Jul 2014, 01:53AM
  • Roger,

    Thanks so much for the leads. I just joined IrelandXO today, and have never seen anything work so fast - all thanks to you! I still haven't figured out how everything on this site works, but I'm sure it's simple once you figure it out. Once again, thanks.


    Sunday 13th Jul 2014, 04:22AM
  • Deaths;


    Anna Maria Blowney; 1851-1870

    Catherine Blowney; 1850-1886

    Eliza Blowney; 1814-1877

    John Dickman Blowney; 1844-1887

    William Blowney; 1849-1877




    Jane Blowney-1860-William Samuel Gray (Nass Reg.)

    Elizabeth Blowney;-1870-John Hayes or John Trafford Gough.


    Slaters Directory 1870;

    Naas-Eliza Blowney-Pawnbroker.


    Jack Mc Donald

    Wednesday 6th Aug 2014, 08:59PM

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