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My grgrandfather - Michael Sheehan. My grgrandmother Bridget(Delia) Gorman . MIchael may have died in 1943. My grandfather JOHN JOSEPH SHEEHAN b. 8-7-1904 in Doonaha. He lived in Kilrush and taught school there. We think he had 2 sisters. One we know is JOSEPHINE (JOSIE) TUBRIDY who married around 9-1-1939 and had 11 children. Her husband was a sailor. She lived at 24 Pella Road Kilrush (last heard from in 1958). One of her sons John b. about 1952 was named after my grandfather JOHN JOSEPH SHEEHAN. My grandfather came to Taroom, Queensland, Australia and married in 1931. His son also John Francis Sheehan was my father. Aunty Josie died in 1984 and is buried in New Shanakyle Cemetery, Kilrush. I am hoping to visit Kilrush in August and would love to connect with any relatives and also visit my ancestors resting places. Any information is greatly appreciated .

Monday 21st Jan 2013, 02:24AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi:


    There is a very good historical society in Kilrush and they have a list of events happening in 2013.  You can contact them at:  I believe that they have links to local genealogical sources and I'm sure that they will be able to point you in the right direction.


    in addition, there is a very good county library here in Clare.  They have a weath of local history and other genealogical resources.  Their website is


    The  very best of luck with your family research!





    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Monday 21st Jan 2013, 03:21PM
  • HI,

    How long will you be in Ireland?

    If you would like to share your travel plans with us via - we will endeavour to contect you with a volunteer who may be able to assist or advise you.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy support


    Monday 21st Jan 2013, 04:02PM
  • Thankyou Jane for the information. I will definitely contact  both the Clare Library and the Kilrush Historical society. I know that there are Tubridy's in Kilrush so my best bet is to connect with them ( cousins) and hopefully find where my great grandparents are buried as well. I know I was born in Australia but I have always felt a strong connection to Kilrush. My earliest memories are of my grandfather singing ( especially take me home again Kathleen, and When Irish eyes are Smiling). I spent my childhood mimicking my grandfathers Irish accent . I look forward to visiting later this year to experience Everything Irish. 

    Thanks again

    Chanmo (Chris)

    Tuesday 22nd Jan 2013, 11:33AM
  • Hopefully I will be in Ireland in August for a couple of weeks. I will attach the details of my trip when I have definite dates. 



    Tuesday 22nd Jan 2013, 11:37AM
  • Hi:


    That is great.  Please let me know your dates for travel as I may know some people there who can help you.

    Thanks for joining XO and please check back with us.


    All the best,


    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 22nd Jan 2013, 01:15PM
  • Hello  -  as far as I know the Tubridy family are living at No. 44 Pella Road  -  and one of them has some posts on the Kilrush Local History Group which is on Facebook  -  -  also Mrs. Tubridy had a sister -  Mrs. Mary Gorman/O Gorman -  most of her family went away - but Stephen returned some years ago  -  he was a Councillor on the local Kilrush Town Council - sadly he died around Chrsitmas..    Re August - there will be a Trad. Festival on in Kilrush in the first week of August   -  plenty of music, etc.  !!    On the Census of 1901  there are Sheehans living at Pound St. Kilrush  -  see    -           P.S.  -  i just edited this as I am after finding your family - also at  Pound St, -  house No. 38  - in 1911 Census -  you will find the Census Form signed by Michael by clicking on  'Household Return Form A  -  if you have an  ADOBE  Reader -  - but spelt as  SHEEHON  -  it shows John aged 6 - so the family must have moved from Doonaha  -   I will have a look at that Parish when I get a chance.   BROWSE  the Census of 1911  for Pound St.,Kilrush, Co. Clare - and you will find  SHEEHONS and their neighbours.    Miriam.

    Sunday 5th May 2013, 09:20AM
  • Miriam thank you so much for this information. I was able to find my great grandparents Michael and Bridget in the census of 1911 and found that my grandfather John had an older sister, Bridget. Later they had Josephine. Shame that the spelling was incorrect in the census as I ve been looking for ages and would have found them earlier. I then went to the census of 1901 and found my great great grandparents John and Ellen Sheehan and saw they had Michael, James, Bridget and Catherine. I was so excited  and emotional to find this out. Now I'd like to find out where they are buried so I can visit them when I'm there in August. Unfortunately I will miss the music festival  but hoped there would be another one somewhere in Ireland that I could go to. It would be interesting to know if any Sheehan relatives still live in Kilrush and  what happened to Michaels and Bridget's daughter Bridget? Thank you again for the information I couldn't have done it without you. Regards Christine Morris nee Sheehan. ( Chanmo)

    Monday 6th May 2013, 09:39AM
  • Hi Chris  -  you are welcome  !!    I grew up in Kilrush -( but I am living in Dublin over 45 years)  -  and knew the Gormans - well  -most of them - there were 12 of them - the older ones were left before some of the younger ones were born  !!   Their mother was Mary - a sister to Mrs. Tubridy.     I remember Mrs. Tubridy well.    I have seen postings from  'Olive Walsh' - nee Tubridy - on the  Kilrush Local History Group page which is on Facebook  -  log on  and  LIKE it  and then post a message.     I had a look at 'Graveyard Inscriptions' for local cemetery  -  Old Shanakyle - but there are several headstones that cannot be identified.   I also see that there are Sheehans/Coffeys at  'DOONAHA'  in the 1901 Census  -      DED  is MOYARTA.       I hope you get in touch with your cousins - and that you enjoy your visit.      Another page on Facebook is   FAMINE COMMEMORATION KILRUSH 2013  -  lots of photos of what happened around 1847-50.   God Bless,   Miriam.

    Monday 6th May 2013, 09:46PM
  • Hi Chris  -  great news  !!   I see you have made contact with Olive  -  I also sent her a message -  It will be great when you get info from her  -   at a guess  I would say the Sheahons are buried in Old Shanakyle cemetery - abouyt a mile from the town.      If you are in Dublin - we might meet for a cuppa  !!  God Bless,   Miriam.

    Tuesday 7th May 2013, 06:35PM
  • I have also traced the Tubridy side of my family to Co Clare - Clohan More.

    In the 1911 census, they were living with the mother Mary and her brother whose last name was Duggan.

    I have a lot of info about the family but would love to find where the ones who stayed in Ireland, especially Mary Tubridy (nee Duggan) and husbnad (I believe John Tubridy) are buried. I've found the Parish; Kilmacduane - but I have no idea if there's a cemetery there or how that all works. Is where they are buried something I can find out in the library? Or throught the Parish?

    Also, being that there was a whole other family of Tubridys in the very near vicinity, were they related? Maybe the John Tubridy that's my great-great grandfather was the brother of the other Tubridy in Kilrush?

    I am visiting Ireland in just a couple of months and am very excited to visit Clohan More if that's possible. 

    Any help will be greatly and sincerely appreciated!




    Friday 16th May 2014, 02:36PM

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