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I have been searching for the town of origin for my Ancestor Catherine Byrne for some years.  On tracing back through my family history Catherine Byrne (born 1820) was tried at the Old Bailey for stealing bedclothes in (I think June) 1839.  She was transported to Port Jackson, New South Wales via the Minerva II arriving in Australia in December 1839.  (she stayed in a prison for some months before being transported).  I have checked the Records of the Old Bailey and have scoured the Convict indents hoping to find a town of origin but have only found Co.Kildare to date.

Her parents are cited as being John Kennedy and Mary McDonnell according to her death record in NSW.  However she changed her name to Sarah Kennedy around 1850 ish possibly to hide her convict origins.  Therefore I have made the assumption that her father was reallly John Byrne, and she had to name him Kennedy to hide her own change of name.   One doubts she would forsake her mother, but one never knows, both parents could be entirely fictitious.  Keeping that in mind I have searched the tithe applotments however with a name like John Byrne, I have found too many.  I wonder if there are records in Kildare of people who were transported?  Other suggestions would be very welcome.

Thank you

Janine Hinton

Western Australia


Tuesday 3rd Sep 2013, 01:47PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Janine,

    I went to and searched for Catherine Byrne.  Too many to count!  I then narrowed it down with father's name John Byrne and got some records.  I then put in her mother's name but came up with nothing.  I then narrowed the search to Co. Kildare.

    So what I got were 4 records of a Catherine Byrne with fathe John Byrne in co. Kildare.

    These records are for years 1820, 1822, 1824 and 1824.

    I think it may be worth looking at these to see if you get anything else.  The site is free to join and search but costs a little to view particular records.

    Hope this helps in some way,

    Anne Dennehy

    Friday 6th Sep 2013, 11:21AM

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