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Hi there everyone, I have just joined this site though I am a little puzzled!!  You see  I have a copy of the Baptism certificate of my Great Great Grandmother, Eleanor Shea, which states that she was Baptised in JOHNSTOWN, County Kilkenny. Have I got the wrong JOHNSTOWN?

Her parents were JOHN SHEA and MARY BRENNAN though I don't know where or when they were married.... I suspect it was Johnstown.

ELEANOR SHEA married MICHAEL SANDERS though again I don't know where or when! I do know that they had at least two children..... a son named  PATRICK SANDERS born approx 1843 and a daughter, MARY SANDERS who went on to marry Michael Melia in Liverpool in 1862. I do have the marriage certificate of MARY SANDERS which states that she was a 20 yr old spinster at the time of her marriage .

I won't write any more just yet in case I have got the incorrect Johnstown. Could someone PLEASE enlighten me?

All the best,


Ciaran Daithi Kennedy

Saturday 22nd Feb 2014, 01:07PM

Message Board Replies

  • Ciaran:

    There is a Johnstown in Kilkenny in the civil parish of Fertagh so I think you have the wrong Johnstown.

    Roger McDonnell,_County_Kilkenny's-church--johnstown&i=122984

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 22nd Feb 2014, 03:47PM

    Ciaran, has the Griffith Valuations.  This has a place name search option.  I put in the Johnstown and found that there are 82 places listed in Ireland.   Yes that record for Eleanor is in Co. Kilkenny in 1820.   I've looked for a marriage record for her parents but can't seem to find one.


    Saturday 22nd Feb 2014, 07:14PM
  • Very many thanks, Roger. The information is MUCH APPRECIATED.



    Saturday 22nd Feb 2014, 11:48PM
  • Hi Anne and thank you sooooo much for your message as it is certainly MUCH appreciated. It is sometimes a joyous journey and sometimes a weary one tracing back our nearest and dearest but with people like you along the journey things seem less onerous.

    With grateful thanks,

    Ciaran Daithi (Kennedy)

    Sunday 23rd Feb 2014, 03:33PM

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