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Hello, I am trying to find any information or where I might get information on my 3rd great grandparents John and Margaret Long.

John Long was born in Ballybofey between 1787 and 1791 he married Margaret Roulston who was born in 1797. I have been on the Donoughmore website and have found several "long's" who may be related to John, I.E. possibly brothers, but nothing concrete linking these names. I know most of the records were destroyed in 1922 so church parishes are the best possibility now to get any information that my still exist.

Does anyone know what parish or parishes I might be able to contact, or any other agency that might help me to narrow down info on John?

Their is a lot of Roulstons listed for this time and area as well but again nothing linking anything together. Is it reasonable to think the Long's I have found were at least cousin if not something more to John?

Thanks to any information anyone might be able to provide.


Sunday 14th Apr 2013, 08:22PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi

    Just joined this group and have found two messages on the same topic. You might like to try contacting the author of this message, Charline, is also in the USA:

    There is also quite a large public family tree on on this line, but I'm not sure if the owner of that tree (cshaffer65) has connections to this group as well.

    I have an interest in the Kilgore, Long and Wray families through my great great grandparents, James and Elizabeth Margaret Wray nee Long. They were from around Killygordon and immigrated to Fremantle, Western Australia around 1908 with their eight surving (young adult) children.

    Regards Donna.




    Monday 13th May 2013, 08:11AM
  • Hi Donna, I just saw your reply to Alan.  He and I have communicated quite a bit and share information a lot and I thank you for sharing it with him.  Realizing you read my post, I find it quite interesting because could it be possible that your gg grandfather had a brother, John Wray?  Or, your gg grandmother have a sister Mary Ann Long?  I know brothers married sisters.  John and Mary had a daughter, Elizabeth and a daughter Margaret + 10 more children.  Elizabeth is my grandmother.  Mary Ann's father was Alexander, could this be a match with your tree?

    I'd love to hear from you to see if we might have a match somewhere along the line.



    Sunday 26th May 2013, 05:20PM

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