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Hortland Estate, Naas, Kildare:

Looking for staff records of the Hortland Estate - 1833 to 1886.

My g.g.grandfather John Stewart worked for Sir Fenton Hort during this time period and I was hoping to find any information regarding another staff member by the name of Rose or Roseanna, whom became his wife.  

Also, Eliza Stewart b. 1849 (daughter of John Stewart and Roseanna) worked as a servant at the Estate around 1865.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. 




Tuesday 2nd Dec 2014, 04:33AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Jenna

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I have had a look at the National Library online catalogue and they do list some Hortland records but none in relation to the staff:…

    You may find that contacting the Heritage Officer (Bridget Loughlin) in Kildare County Council helpful as she may know more about any available records:

    I would be very interested to know how you get on. If any of the staff were tenants they may be listed in any available Encumbered Estes Records in the National Archives. You can contact the NA here:

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 2nd Dec 2014, 12:08PM

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