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My name is Barbara Kerney McKay and my ancestors are from Athy. They are James Carney and Mary Ryan Carney, married 1783 ( paperwork not handy.) The left Ireland in May 1804 and arrived in Baltimore, Maryland USA on May 28. They settled on a fram in Liberty Township just over the Maryland line in Pennsylvania. Their son, James Kearney came in 1812 ( just in time for the war ,) ans settled in Lewistown, Maryland and worked a woolen mill. His wife, I believe, was Mary Kehoe. They are all buried in Emmitsburg , MD at St. Joseph's Cemetery, in a plot with Mary's brother, Matthew, a Catholic priest.

Are there any Carneys, Kearneys, Ryans or Dwens ( Duen) in the Athy area now who know of family emigration around 1800 ?



Wednesday 6th Jul 2016, 03:40PM

Message Board Replies

  • bandemckay:

    Welcome to ireland Reaching Out!

    If you go to our main message board, there is a search bar at the top. We have a number of prior Kearney messages. You can also separately search for prior Carney messages. Look for Kildare connections.

    I also looked at the online Irish phonebook which is only a partial list of phone users. I did not see any records around Athy. Most seem to be in the Naas area.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 6th Jul 2016, 04:25PM

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