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Catherine CONWAY  was born 1st November 1839 at Carrick-on-Suir, Tipp.  daughter of Richard CONWAY and Mary WELSH.     were there and brothers and or sisters.

Sunday 24th Nov 2013, 05:27AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi George,

    I searched baptisms/births 1839 + - 20 years on for Conway parents Richard Conway & Mary Welsh and got 2 matches - John 1840 & Mary 1841. The aprish was not Carrick-on Sur however.


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 24th Nov 2013, 10:55AM
  • Hi George,

    I searched baptisms/births 1839 + - 20 years on for Conway parents Richard Conway & Mary Welsh and got 2 matches - John 1840 & Mary 1841. The aprish was not Carrick-on Sur however.


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 24th Nov 2013, 10:56AM
  • I am searching Conways from Dublin City, DunLaoghaire (formerly Kingstown) as well as Tuites form the same area. I know my gr. grandmother Mary Tuite's father was Edward Tuite & he was married to Bridget, but I don't have a last name; the Dun Laoghaire website says Kilarney, but I think that's where she was from, not her last name.

    My great grandfather Michael Conway's father was Michael Conway & was married to Jane Connor.  But after that I'm stuck.

    I've checked the free site of the Roots of Ireland, church records and the site for the Mormons, Latter Day Saints which is excellent.

    My email is irishpassport@ if you  have any info.


    Sunday 24th Nov 2013, 02:36PM
  • Thank you for the two children John 1840 and Mary 1841.  What was the name of the parish, please?

    Monday 9th Dec 2013, 05:32AM

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