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My great grandparents, John Martin & Mary (nee King) moved from Dublin to Brownstown, Kildare in the Suncroft parish around 1866/67 with their four or five children.. He was a 'dealer' and they had three more children whilst living at Brownstown (Thomas in Jan 1868, Margaret in Nov 69 and Catherine in Jan 72. There is no trace of the family until I locate my grandfather (John Martin) in New South Wales in 1894. If any one near the Brownstown area can give some clues as to this family I would be most grateful. 


Ken Martin

Ken Martin

Tuesday 1st Oct 2013, 07:36AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Ken

    I've just had a quick look at your query and wonder if you have already found these baptisms on the ChurchRecords/Irishgenalogy/ website.

    05/01/1853 St Nicholas Parish, Dublin, Bridgit Martin, f John Martin, m Mary King, sps Miche Brien & Mary Kavanagh

    14/09/1855 St Catherine Parish, Dublin, Michael Martin, f John Martin, m Mary King, sps Bridget O Donnell

    23/06/1857 St Catherine Parish, Dublin, Joannes Martin of 5 Nipoli, dob 20/06/1857, f Joannes Martin, m Maria King, sps Joannes Brennan, Kate Brennan

    23/10/1860 St Catherine Parish, Dublin, Patritius Martin of 14 Cole Alley, dob 22/10/1860, f Joannis Martin, m Mariae King, sps Maria Broderick

    28/11/1862 St Catherine Parish, Dublin, Mary Anne Martin of 3 Tripolo, f John Martin, m Mary King sps Mary Grattan

    26/01/1866 St Catherine Parish, Dublin, Brigida Martin of 7 Tripoli, dob 23/01/1866, f Joannis Martin, m Mariae King, sps Patricius Hickey, Ellena Hickey

    I haven't looked for anything else yet, but perhaps you could clarify first if you already have the above details and/or marriage details for John and Mary, or if you are specifically interested in their time in Kildare.



    Kildare Town Parish Liaison

    Tuesday 1st Oct 2013, 10:45PM
  • Thnaks Linda,

    Yes I have those details thanks to Churchrecords and that is how I traced my grandfather. I'm now trying to find out what happened after the family moved to Brownstown. There may still be Martins in the area but I know that my grandfather moved to Sydney and suspect that others may have moved to the US. I hope to come to Ireland at some time and visit the Brownstown area as I wonder if there might be clues in there to assist with my investigations. Thanks again for your help, much appreciated.  


    Ken Martin

    Tuesday 1st Oct 2013, 11:51PM
  • Hi again Martin

    I've had a look online at the Kildare Observer archives and found an article that I believe refers to your ancestors.  These archives are freely available to search so if you google Kildare Observer Archives you will find a link on the website.  Use the link to open the archives search page and from there type "John Martin" Brownstown in to the search box and click go.  Make sure to use the " " around John Martin.  The attached article dates from 22/07/1882 and I believe it's your family as the names all tie in.  Makes interesting reading.  Scroll down to 'Domestic Brawl'. Enjoy!

    Also, I was wondering if you have any further details about your family e.g. do you know who exactly emigrated or if any of the children stayed behind in kildare?


    Linda Magee

    Kildare Town Parish Liaison

    Sunday 6th Oct 2013, 08:37PM
  • Dear Linda,

    I'm sure i replied before leting you know I had the birth details of all the children but so far unable to find marriage details. Someone sent me a marvelous link to the Kildare Observer which is a gold mine of information. The article about the Martin family brawl in July 1882 reads like a comedy skit, but I'm not sure how much more information like that my reputation can sustain. 

    Thanks for all you help.



    Ken Martin

    Tuesday 22nd Oct 2013, 10:46AM
  • Hi Again Linda,

    Sorry, I just followed the thread and realise it was you who sent the link to the Kildare Observer. Thanks so much for doing that and it is priceless. I will keep searching. I have some reason to think that my grandfather had already left for Australia by 1882. We think (but not sure) that he may have arrived in Sydney in 82 or 83. 




    Ken Martin

    Tuesday 22nd Oct 2013, 10:54AM

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