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Conducting research into my maternal Great Grandfather Patrick James Dougherty who was supposedly born in Ballyshannon around 1865. He immigrated to the United States in 1881 from Ireland to the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area of the U.S. On his Death Certificate his parents are listed as living in Ireland and their names are James Dougherty and Rose Shearn. This information was provided by his Wife. Mary Margaret McCurry whom Patrick met and married here in the U.S. James Dougherty was, according to family story, a boat captain of the vessel Aldemeridilee (Phonetic)  Any information on James Dougherty or Rose Shearn from the Ballyshannon area would be appreciated or suggestions where to look for this information. 

Thursday 7th Jan 2016, 05:48PM

Message Board Replies

  • Mike:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I searched on Roots Ireland in Co. Kildare for a Patrick Dougherty/Doherty baptismal record around 1865 but could not find a good record. I then looked in Co. Donegal because the town of Ballyshannon is in the southern part of Donegal just north of Co. Sligo. I found an 1861 baptismal record with the correct parents but in the RC parish of Clondavaddog. This parish is also known as Tamney..The parish is no where near Ballyshannon and is much further north within the county.

    Do you think this record is for your ancestor? Are you aware of any siblings?

    Roger McDonnell


    Name:Patrick DohertyDate of Birth:
    Date of Baptism:21-Apr-1861Address:
    Parish/District:CLONDAVADDOGGender:MaleCountyCo. Donegal
    Denomination:Roman Catholic
    Father:James DohertyMother:Rose SheerinOccupation:
    Sponsor 1 /
    Informant 1:Anthony DunleveySponsor 2 /
    Informant 2:Sarah Cullen

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 7th Jan 2016, 07:35PM
  • Roger;

     Thank you so much for your quick reply. I have not done so, but I will need to join one of the Irish genealogical search sites as soon as I can figure out which one has the most data for me. This looks good, and could be my Great Grandfather but I can't be sure yet. Don't have the name of any siblings that I know of. He came over to the United States in 1881 according to census records over here, not sure if he came over alone or had family here. Family information from his Grand Daughter, my Mother who now has passed away stated he was from Ballyshannon, but you know how family stories go, could be wrong. I obtained the names of his father and mother from his Death Certificate from 1930 in Pennsylvania. The informant was his wife Mary Margaret McCurry. She gave the name James Doherty and Rose Shearn, but of course the name could have been spelt as it sounded on the form too. Shearn and Sheerin is just so close to each other. I've also seen Dougherty spelt often as Doherty in various census records over here too. Depending on how the census taker figured out how to spell the name. I'll have to continue to do some more research into what you have just given me to see if anything else comes up.

    Friday 8th Jan 2016, 03:03AM

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