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 am from New Zealand and my great-grandmother came to NZ in 1880 her name was Kate Healy she was born approx 1863 on Velentia Island. Her sister Ellen Healy arrived in NZ in 1879 aged 17 years of age.  Their eldest sister Mary arrived first in 1876 she was born approx 1859, it seems that after her two younger sisters married in NZ in 1881 and 1883-4 that she returned to Valentia Tsland and married John Sullivan(O'Sullivan?) in the last quarter of 1884. There parents were John Healy born at Coarhabeg Valentia Island about 1836-38 and Mary Morley/Murley born at Ballyhearney Valentia Island approx 1834. There were also after the 1864 birth registrations were introduced Julia born 1866, John Augustine born 1869. Micheal born May 1872 and Denis born 1874.

I am interested in the history of the island as John Healy the father was a "slateworker" at the slate mnes there according to my great-grandmother's marriage certificate. He was also it was reported to have served in the Crimean War in 1853-56 approx. This seems likely as he is recorded in the 1901 census of Ireland to be receiving at the age of 65 a "war pension".

I can not find the entries for them or Michael Healy's family on the 1911 census it show only a few "townlands" for 1911 campared with the number of townlands and people on the 1901 census. A fellow researdcher from NZ noted that the 1911 census pages looked in poorer condition than the 1901 pages and suggested some may have been dmamged or lost - would anyone know if this occurred.?

I also have had no luck racing the baptisms or births of the three girls born  pre-1864 registrations, they would have been Catholic births but so far my searches for that have not found anything - would anyone no if there are likely to still be Catholic church records held anywhere for valentia Island.

I look forward to any information or tips on this research I am doing - Beat regards HeatherM


Tuesday 5th Mar 2013, 08:30AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Heather,

    The BMD registers for co. Kerry is on (a free searchable website)  Put in your names and dates, and gradually move up the years .  These dates are approximate and hardly anybody know what age they were. So keep an open mind.

    Gradually refine your search by putting the father's name into the search bar also.  I found Mary, so I'm sure the others are there also.



    Tuesday 5th Mar 2013, 03:00PM
  • Heather,

    Only 4 of the townlands in Valentia Island were microfilmed from the returns of the 1911 census, they are Farrenreagh Town, Tinnies Upper, Tinnies Lower East and Tinnies Lower West. I was in the National Archives in Dublin on Friday last and they told me that because the other 21 townlands were not microfilmed, they would not be viewable on the website either. However, they said that all the original household returns for Valentia in 1911 ( as well as all other DEDs ) were held ' off site', but could be ordered in advance to view at the National Archives in Dublin. That might not be of much use to you, but if you want, the next time that I am going to the Archives ( i am currently researching my wifes ancestors who came from Cooil West, Valentia ) i could get a photocopy of your ancestors household return from 1911 and email a copy of it on to you. You just need to supply me with the townland, family name, and some of the first names of the family members to help narrow the search down to the relevant one.

    Anne mentioned the irishgenealogy website. With a little bit of cross referencing, I found this database brilliant, especially as it gave all details, including the sponsors as well as the local names of places.


    Monday 10th Jun 2013, 05:19PM
  • Hi Heather,


    I hope that you see this message.  I just found this site, 3 years after your initial post :).  My husband's great-grandfather is Michael Healy, born in Lahern in 1872, son of John Healy & Mary Murley.  I recently started researching his Healy line from Valentia Island.  Have you done any DNA tests?  Jeff is on Ancestry and I have uploaded his results to Gedmatch . com.  His kit number is: A713567.  I would love to connect and compare notes.  I was not aware of 3 older sisters born prior to Julia in 1866 but that makes sense considering the ages of John & Mary at Julia's birth ("old" for a first birth at 27  or 29) ;-)


    Kathleen Healy

    Sunday 4th Dec 2016, 02:43AM
  • My great grandfather was Michael Healy 1872.  My Healy website is:

    Photo of Michael Healy:


    Saturday 28th Jan 2017, 09:40PM
  • Hello from NZ. I was thrilled and surprised to receive an email saying I had a reply on Ireland xo as I had not visited the site for sometime and with there not being too many options, I thought, for my Healy family from Valentia I had only rarely checked.

    The final alert re Marykara's response was the only one I was alerted to so I had not seen your one Kathleen though I do recall i may have replied to Kevin re his offer to check the "missing" data for the 1911 census for Valentia.

    I would love to make contact Kathleen as I have been intending to do something with DNA research but as yet hadn’t done so as I was unsure which organisation was best to use and my limited understanding of how the male and female line worked with matches. I will put a query on the NZSG members list to day for some advice on that as of course our line will come via the female line from the second of the three sisters who came to NZ.

    The eldest and the first to arrive in NZ in 1875 Mary did I know return to Valentia Island between 1882-85 and married John (O)Sullivan who was the butcher in Knightstown and had several children and that family shows cross-referenced with Mary's parents and siblings in several church records over the years. 

    To my knowledge Mary (nee Murley) Healy passed away in 1907 and John Healy in 1915. What I can send you Kathleen are various obituaries of the two sisters with the NZSG. my great-grandmother Kate Healy passed away 1928 and Ellen who passed away in 1935 and whose burial record states she was the daughter of John Healy, slate-worker Valentia Is Ireland. Kate obituary in the Auckland Star also records her as coming from Valentia Is County Kerry.

    I am certain this is the same family and as you say the late age of parents for the children born after registration was required from 1864 indicates that too.

    Hopefully my replies will be seen and in regard to the census records if Kevin, or anyone currently researching could sight the 1911 one for me I would be most appreciative.

    The details are for Coahra Beg Valentia Island and one household would be for by then John Healy aged approx 76 and his son also John aged about 42, The other household for Coahra Beg would be for Michael Healy's family.

    Many thanks and regards HeatherM



    Sunday 29th Jan 2017, 05:56PM
  • Hi Heather,

    Glad you saw the message!  I don't think that the 1911 census for Valentia is online yet.   I did find Michael Healy's son living with John & Mary Healy in the 1901 census.  He is listed as "nephew" but from what I have read, nephew was sometimes interchangable with grandson.....and this particular son is missing from the census with Michael Healy's family.  James Morley is also listed with the family as a lodger, perhaps a relative of Mary?

    You will want to do autosomal DNA.  I have tested mine both at Ancestry & FamilyTree DNA.  Males & Females will get the same result with an autosomal test.  Only males can do a Y-Test but that will only (possibly) give you a paternal surname, it will not really help with genealogy research because the connections may be many, many genrations back.  You can upload both Ancestry & FTdna results to to compare across companies.  While I have found some of the projects at FTdna interesting, I find their site kind of clunkly and not user friendly.  Ancestry has the records/trees/hints intergrated and their data base is so much larger....I have found it much easier to navigate and much easier to contact and confirm matches with paper trails.

    I would love to see obituaries for the NZ sisters.  I agree, I believe Mary died in 1907 & John in 1915.  I don't have a record of John working in the slate mines, most records I have list him as a farmer or laborer.  But he could have been a laborer in the slate mines, there was one on Valentia Island. I have been combing through the parish registers in Valentia & Cahersiveen to find baptismal records for Ellen, Kate & Mary.  The handwriting is not the best but I keep hoping we will get lucky. :)  Michael married Hanora (Nora) Leary in 1894.  He had 15 children, many emmigrated to the US and he died in Valentia in 1933.

    My email address is kathealy8@gmail . com


    Monday 30th Jan 2017, 06:08PM

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