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Looking for assistance with information on my Great Grandmother Mary Ann Enright and her 4 sisters, Margaret, Elizabeth, Hanora & Ellen who migrated to NZ at different times during the 1870's. There is a possibility a brother, John, also travelled to NZ. I have almost all their info post arriving in NZ except for John. The family has always believed their parents to be, Cornelius Enright & Elizabeth Coffee. However available online records have a family of matching names and births for some in Ratass/Rhatass, Tralee in the 1850's. However the mother is listed as Elizabeth Quill not Coffee. The 1901 census has a Cornelius & Elizabeth Enright as Lodge Keepers at Cloonmore P?, Rhatass Parish. They are about the right age to be the parents of the above but I have no reference of them being Lodge Keepers so cannot confirm if they are the same people. Based on migration records, births of the above children are: John 1853, Mary Ann 1854, Ellen 1857, Margaret 1858, Hanora 1860 & Elizabeth 1865. The online baptism/births I can find are too similar to ignore except they give the mother as Elizabeth Quill not Coffee as previuosly mentioned. There is also 1 extra child Catherine. Mary 12 December 1852, John 8 October 1854, Margaret 3 December 1856, Helen 12 November 1858, Hanora 8 September 1860, Catherine 28 December 1862 & Elizabeth 4 June 1865. Any leads, assistance or comments would be welcomed.

Cheers - Sean


Tuesday 17th Feb 2015, 11:41AM

Message Board Replies

  • Do you have marriage or death certs from NZ for the sisters ?

    These often include full name of parents, and might help confirm or rule out that family you mentioned in Tralee.

    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 17th Feb 2015, 04:34PM
  • Dear Sean,
    Firstly congrats on all the research you have already done.
    There is so much that matches the Irish records that it is hard to ignore. The only other possibility is that Elizabeth was a young widow upon her marriage to Cornelius but I cannot find evidence of this in the surviving records.Do the migration records provide the name Coffee?

    A real possibilty is that the couple moved from Ratass to Cloon More (modern day Clonmore)after the children left for NZ.

    Civil records for Catholics, only began in 1864 and compliance was patchy initially but the following records can be ordered online at Ask for research only copies they are a lot cheaper.

    Death record for a Cornelius Enright Tralee 1902…

    Possible Civil Birth for Elizabeth Enright 1865…

    Do let me know how you get on Sean and if I think of anything else I will write you again.
    Warm wishes

    Sunday 7th Jun 2015, 05:05PM
  • Hi,
    ​I have seen all the births, I also noticed that a Bartholomew Enright also married a Quill, Mary.
    The have children about the same time and with the same names.




    Monday 3rd Jul 2017, 10:07AM

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