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Thomas Worthington, and his wife Bridget (Lyons), from Tralee, sailed from  Cobh to New York on the Adriatic in 1890, with their baby son John. They settled in the Chelsea neighbourhood of Manhattan. Thomas died in 1896 in New York. Thomas parents were John Worthington and Margaret Quill. Bridget's father was John Lyons from Spa Road. Thomas had a sister Elizabeth, who married James Walsh, a soldier, and eventually settled in Bradford, and a brother James. 

Looking for any information about what happened to Bridget and John Worthington in New York, and any links with previous generations of Worthingtons, Quillls or Lyons


Wednesday 22nd Jun 2016, 07:26PM

Message Board Replies

  • Blaisdon:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    We can't help you with the New York research but I will alert our parish liaison for Tralee about your message.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 22nd Jun 2016, 08:09PM
  • Dear B, have we been in contact before?

    I went firstly to the 1901 Census and found 16 Quills living in Tralee. I followed their marriages in hopes that one of them was another child of John Quill father of Margaret who married John Worthington. I found William, James, and Thadeus so far as fathers for Quill couples marrying between 1857 and 1881 in Tralee but no John except for his mention as the father of Margaret in her 1861 marriage.

    This is a bit of a reach but I found a Margaret Quill as godmother to John Quill, son of John Quill and Margaret Commane in 1861 in Tralee   

    What appears to be the same couple have another child Bridget in 1858

    I was unable to find a record of the marriage of this couple at this time.

    Griffith's Valuation gives 18 returns for John Quill circa 1853 in Kerry but the 4 listings for Ballymacelligott and Ratass are probably the most likely. Rathass is now part of modern day Tralee. The 2 enties for Ratass/Rathass are very interesting as they give CAPTAIN John Quill as the immediate lessor of Timothy McMahon and John Connor.

    There are 3 Quills listed here in 1870 as landowners

    I have been unable to track down Captain John Quill as yet but must go now as the morning is gone. Do let me know if any of this is new to you or leads you closer to your family.

    Warm wishes


    Martine, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 23rd Jun 2016, 01:21PM
  • New Addition!!

    found Catherine Quill daughter of John Quill marriage 1863

    Martine, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 23rd Jun 2016, 01:28PM
  • New Addition!!

    found Catherine Quill daughter of John Quill marriage 1863

    Martine, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 23rd Jun 2016, 01:28PM
  • Attached Files

    Hi Martine

    I think we have spoken before.I follow your Facebbok page

    Thanks for the information. Will follow up. My grandmother was Thomas Worthingtons daughter who remained in Tralee when her parents and siblings went to the USA. The Commane link rings a bell as I think they were neighbours of my grandmother

    Have attached a document I've circulated re Worthingtons

    Have been in touch with people in Australia and Yorkshire, descendants of Thomas's sister Elizabeth. I'm told two desendants are Simon Rouse, an actor who played an Inspector in 'The Bill' TV series, and Kimberley Walsh of Girls Aloud.

    Best Wishes

    Brendan McGrath



    Friday 24th Jun 2016, 06:02PM

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