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 Seeking info on Mary Neil found guilty of stealing money at the Spring Assizes in Kerry in 1836 and transported to Australia for 7 years.She is said to be a dairy maid born Kerry 1814. how can I find any information?                                                                                                                                                Also seeking info on Christopher Harold born 1827 I believe in Tralee and his wife Catherine Talbot     born in 1832 I am not sure where.They migrated to New Zealand and arrived 1875.They had 2 daughters Jane born Tralee 18 feb 1859 and Katherine born Tralee 29 Dec 1872. Jane was my great grandmother.She died in Allenton NZ age 31. My great grandfather then married Katherine who died in NZ in 1948                                                                                                                                      My wife and I will be in Cork from 11 June to the 14June 2014 and then touring from Dublin until the 22 June..and welcome any info on where to start looking.                                                                           Thank you,                                                                                                                                                   Lindsay and Veronica Harvey                                                                                                                     Victoria Australia.

Thursday 23rd Jan 2014, 07:35AM

Message Board Replies

  • Lindsay and Veronica:

    I found a civil birth index record for a Katherine Harold in the Tralee registration district in 1873. Since your Katherine was born at the end of 1872, it would make sense that the birth was not registered until 1873. The index record is below. You can get a copy of the birth record from the General Register Office for around 4 euros. If you want to get a copy, let me know and I'll explain the process.

    Roger McDonnell

    Name: Katherine  

    • Last Name: Harold  

    • Year: 1873  

    • Registered Quarter/Year: 1873  

    • Registration District: Tralee  

    • Volume: -  

    • Page: 762  

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 23rd Jan 2014, 05:08PM
  • Dear Lindsay and Veronica,

    HURRAH!! I love when this happens! Here is the marriage of Christopher and Catherine 

    This appears to be Christopher's baptism

    Harold and Talbot are not the most common names in Kerry and the fact that they worshipped in the Church of Ireland means that you may be able to trace them even further back. If you use this website of the links above you may find the siblings of Christopher and Catherine since you now have their fathers' names.

    It appears also that the Talbots were related to the Blennerhassetts and since they were such a 'big' landowning family, you may find more about the Talbots in their family tree!

    Here is a land record for Boyle Talbot (possibly Catherine's father) in 1850

    Here is a land record for Richard Harrold (possibly Christopher's father) c. 1850,%20west

    Margaret Neil will be harder to find. I found one Margaret born 1812 here but there is no guarrantee she is the right one. The mother's name Cluvane is most often written Clifford in more recent times.

    have you any other information about Margaret?

    It's getting late now but let me know how you get on with these links and we can figure out where is your best bet for visits when you come to Ireland next time.



    Friday 24th Jan 2014, 12:11AM
  • Dear Martine                                                                                                                                               Thank you for your reply.Please excuse the delay in replying but we have been away for a few days over the Australia Day weekend. The extra information on Christopher & Catherine was most helpful. I believe that Richard Harold,his father, was married to Elizabeth Talbot.Could she possibly have been related to Boyle Talbot,Catherine's father? I had some idea that Boyle Talbot was married to an Elizabeth Leslie & the fact that John & Robert Leslie were witnesses to the wedding of Christopher and & Catherine perhaps bears this out. Thank you for your help thus far this is a wonderful site for people so far away from their roots.                                                                                                                                            Best wishes from Australia,                                                                                                                       Lindsay.                                                                                                                                                         P.S. If you would like to know what became of the family after they migrated in 1875 I would be pleased to let you know. By the way,it was a mary neil I was seeking,I believe her father may have been named Eugene Neil.                                                                                                                                                                                    .

    Monday 27th Jan 2014, 02:40AM
  • Dear Roger,                                                                                                                                                    Thank you for your reply. Yes it does appear to be the same person & I will want to pick up a copy of her birth certificate when we are in ireland & I would be thankful for any assistance you can give.                Thank you for your help                                                                                                                           Lindsay.i

    Monday 27th Jan 2014, 02:47AM
  • Dear Lindsay

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. We are beset by storms and flooding here in Kerry and all the practical things arising!

    You can apply for certs right now online at 4euros per cert

    You will need to go to first to get the Volume no. of the record to send with your application.

    Alternatively you may find the records on  before your arrival

    In Dublin you can visit the GRO and get your records there. It is worth checking out their website to get all their handy hints about searching.

    My apologies about misreading the name.


    Monday 10th Feb 2014, 11:33AM
  • Hi, It might be a bit late but this is what I know about the Harold/Talbot families.

    Christopher Harold was married to Catherine Talbot. Christopher Harold’s parents were Richard Harold and Elizabeth Talbot. Catherine Talbots parents were Boyle Talbot and Elizabeth Leslie. Boyle Talbots parents were Richard Talbot and Ann Pender and Richard Talbots parents were John Talbot and Anne Osbourne.




    Sunday 11th Feb 2018, 11:14AM
  • Sunday 11th Feb 2018, 12:09PM

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