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My Grandmother was born Ellen Sullivan in 1867/8 to John & Johanna Sullivan in Tralee. She left Ireland 1894/5, for New Zealand? She arrived in Western Australia in 1895 and married Richard Bibby at Geraldton, W.A. 20/8/1900. She died in Melbourne July 1943. I don't know anything more about her. Her father was a Blacksmith. This information re her birth place etc came from her Marriage certificate. My father was born at Cue W.A. 26/5/1902. I have a prayer book that was presented to her before she left for New Zealand. I can't find a record of her arrival in Australia except the number of years she lived in W.A.& Victoria according to her death certifacate. As I hope to go to Ireland later this year, I would like to know if there are any descendants of John & Johanna still living in Ireland. My father was an only child.

Friday 24th Feb 2017, 03:18PM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    We have a parish liaison in Tralee and I will alert her to your message.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 24th Feb 2017, 09:31PM
  • Hi Nancy, you have found me again! I will email you as soon as I have any news. I hope that someone from your family sees this message and contacts you here.

    Warm wihes


    Martine, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 25th Feb 2017, 06:42AM
  • Hello! 

    I have a Connor - Sullivan connection as well. Our lines may very well cross at some point in time.  (There are a few Connor -  Sullivan couples in the area!) 

    My John Connor married Mary Sullivan in 1818 in Killarney. The Connors were in Tralee first then Killarney. (My particular ancestor, Daniel did go back to Tralee in the early1840s.)

    Names that are specific to my line are: Deborah, Eugene, Daniel and of course, John!  How about yours? 

    I am stumped trying to find the baptismal of John Connor born circa 1775 who married Elizabeth Ferris in Killarney in 1792. The Ferrises were from Ratass in Tralee but I am having difficulty locating them. They may have been from Dingle in earlier times. 

     Any clues most appreciated! 





    Tuesday 30th May 2017, 01:35PM
  • Oh and the name Ellen as well! 


    Tuesday 30th May 2017, 01:36PM
  • Hi, I have very little information on my Sullivan/O'Connor family except they lived in Tralee, and John, my g.grandfather was a Blacksmith. I have copies of my Grandmothers (Ellen), marriage & death certificates, and a photo of Ellen, with the name of a Sydney, N.S.W. Photographers studio. Where are you?  I hope to visit Ireland in Aug/Sept and try to find more information. My father was an only child and passed away in 1970, before I was interested in my Irish roots, and my brother was my only sibling and he passed away last year. I feel like I am banging my head on a brick wall, and one day I will, hopefully, crash through it. Regards Nancy 

    Thursday 1st Jun 2017, 02:43PM
  • Hello Ellen, 

                             Sorry to take so long to get back to you. I tend to concentate on genealogy more in the winter months. I am in Canada, trying to put the pieces together from afar as you are.  Unfortunately my Connors did not stay in Tralee. They chose to move on to Killarney where they remained. I don't know that any of them immigrated prior to the 1840's and when they did they went to Britain. I have only traced my immediate lineage so I am not aware of the movements of siblings. 

    My suggestion to you would be to try to determine which ship she emigrated on and go from there. 

    Because there are so many individuals with the same forenames-John and Mary being  Catholic in origin are the most common. So it's far to easy to get the wrong ones when you don't have concrete information. 

    The ship's log hopefully will give you the necessary clues to get to your next step.   

    You might wish to delve into the history of the the O'Sullivan Clan. There were two major Septs the O'Sullivan Beare and the O'Sullivan Mor.  At some point you will need to ascertain which one you descend from. But that's a long way off. If you enjoy history you can get so many clures that help fill in the blanks when searching your kin.  There are many O'Sulivan websites (just google them) that you may wish to join. They can be a great source of info-if not which families you don't belong to can be ruled out!   I have been there!  

    How lucky you are to visit Tralee itself! It's a beatiful area. 

    (My great x4 grandad Daniel Connor left Killarnney to work in Tralee at the Ballymullen Barracks as their boot and shoe maker in the early 1840's.)

    I hope your search is fruitful and that you have a lovely time. 

    Perhaps when you know a wee bit more we can compare notes. 

    Best of luck Ellen! 

    Best regards, 

    Nathalie C. 


    Wednesday 12th Jul 2017, 11:46PM

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