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I have traced to my great great great grandfather Daniel Commane and his wife Mary (Mroiarty) and their 3 sons Michael and John, (my gg grandfather) All emigrated from Tralee at Fenit on the Jeannie Johnston Ship in April arriving in Baltimore May 4, 1849. Prior to their leaving they lived in Chutes Lane #2. I would very much like to find Daniel's  parents, siblings or other relatives. A very good book I suggest to anyone who may have ancestors from the area is "All Standing" by Kathryn Miles. It is well documented, gives the history of Ireland,  and tells about the building of the ship. The replica is a museum ship in the river Liffy in Dublin.

Sunday 1st Jan 2017, 07:19PM

Message Board Replies

  • bcommand:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I will alert our parish liaison in Tralee about your message.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 1st Jan 2017, 07:49PM
  • Thank you Roger McDonnell!


    Monday 2nd Jan 2017, 04:32AM
  • Hi Roger, thank you again for your response. There is some quesiton about my ggg grandmother's maiden name being Moriarty. So I thought I should clear this up with you. Also I forgot to add the third brother's name . It is Edmond  (or Edmund).


    Tuesday 3rd Jan 2017, 01:06AM
  • Hi B, the quickest thing to clear up is the name is more than likely Moriarty, the other spelling is either mis transcription or an attempt at phonetic spelling.

    Re Commane; I just checked Griffiths Valuation for Daniel Cummane, Chute's Lane, Tralee but the print date is 1853 so it is unlikely that this is YOUR Daniel unless you have another source which gives this address in which case the Daniel in Griffith's  could be a relative of Daniel who went to America in 1849.

    Have you checked for a death certificate/ headstone/burial record for Daniel (also Mary) who went to Baltimore as this may give us his parents names if we are lucky?

    The 1840's saw a consistent stream of people coming from west and south Kerry into Tralee however I did find the following baptism Daniel 1809 son of Daniel C and Mary Moriarty

    'The Kerries' is on the outskirts of Tralee near Clogherbrien where acc. to the Church records online there are a number of other Commane families.

    Have you got approx. ages for your Commanes of 1849, any distinctive trade, etc? Do death certificates for the sons name a distinct place in Kerry? Did any of the men join the army? Were any of their neighbours in The Federal Census of the same names or also from Ireland?

    Lots of questions and no clear answers right now....but if you have further information please share it with us so that we can search more effectively for you.

    Warm wishes


    Martine, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 4th Jan 2017, 11:16AM
  • Daniel Commane (Mary was about 36) was about 40 (on ship's manifest it looks like it says he was a 'barman"??? when they departed from Tralee in 1849 on hte Jeannie Johnston. His baptism record shows his father as Daniel Cummane and his mother as Mary Moriarty. So now I don't know the maiden name of Mary the mother of Edmond (born 1837 age 12 at the sailing), Michael and John (my great grandfather who became a Baltimore policeman). John and Michael were younger. I have heard Edmond Commane returned to Ireland, but I do not know the evidence for that. (If I can prove it then there may be a lateral connection to likely 3rd cousin once removed Tommy Commane b.1962, and living in Clogherbrien) Michael married Kate Brady and had quite a few children in Baltimore. John had a number of children there too. Among them was my grandfather Thomas E. (Edmond?) Command.  Tommy Commane of Clogherbrien (likely my 3rd cousin once removed) and we saw a memorial marker in the graveyard in Ardfert. It honors his dad, Tom Commane (died 5 July, 2011) and mom Mary (nee O'Donnell) (died 20th March 2012). The stone also says Tom Commane is the grandson of Edmond Commane and Mary (nee Kelly). Now I have lined up the dates and generations and have concluded that this Edmond was likely the son of the Edmond who came over on the Jeannie Johnston at the age of 12. This is full of conjecture, I know..but it is like detective work. I have searched on Edmond and find nothing on line. There must be someng we can find. Looks like Kerries, Ardfert and Clogherbrien are all very close. When we all saw the stone we did not make the conection because we did not know Edmond returned to IE.


    Wednesday 12th Jul 2017, 02:35AM
  • Clogherbrien and The Kerries are indeed side by side B.

    Have you tried looking in the Tithe Applotments

    and the Calender of Wills

    Both are on the National Archives website (Ireland)

    However you are missing valuable American resources in death records, burial records, obituaries etc. Newspaper articles about your deceased ancestors might give you the one name or placename you need. Following all your American cousins might also yield family letters which can make a whole Irish family tree fall into place.

    I checked the passenger records and I believe that the occupation of Dan Commane was 'carman' not barman.

    Most policemen were involved in charitable groups and these may have further information about your forbears


    Martine, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 26th Jul 2017, 06:57PM
  •  Hi there, I am looking for my ggg grandmother Marcella Maloney( maybe a Moriarty).  Who was born in Kerry about 1821. She was married to  a James Maloney.  Her daughter was Emily Maloney b1859 Kerry. She married a Robert John Godfrey b1855 Derry.  I have looked extensively through the records of Ireland and can’t seem to find their births. Only 1901 and 1911 census information for them. This is preventing me from going further back.  I have also done an Autsomal dna test, which has not helped due to lack of family trees. Anymore suggestions.

    many thanks








    Tuesday 12th Jun 2018, 09:36PM

    I forgot to mention Emily and Robert were married in Tralee in 1876.   
    latest update for William Hamilton.  It turns out that he was Robert John Godfreys step father.  His mother Jane Russell Godfrey married William in the early 1860s. Roberts father must have died as a soldier somewhere around the British conflicts.

    Still no luck with the Maloney trail. 





    Tuesday 12th Jun 2018, 09:38PM
  • Mariam:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out! has the church records for Co. Kerry parishes. I located a baptismal record for Marcella. I would use this site to search for other records. You can also search for civil records on the same site (use the Civil Records Tab).

    Roger McDonnell

    Area - KERRY (RC) , Parish/Church/Congregation - TRALEE

    Baptism of MARCELLA MORIARTY of TRALEE on 9 November 1821


    Sponsor 1TIMOTHY MORIARTYSponsor 2NR NRPriestREV. C. E.

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 13th Jun 2018, 04:25PM
  • Margaret, many thanks for your message. We love when family members make contact. The record for Edmond and Mary's marriage is online and is free to view here (you will need to provide a name in order to see the record)

    Hopefully the original poster will acknowledge your message but even if they don't, the posts are read by people all over the world and could well be useful to someone who is searching for family in Ardfert.

    Thanks again and best wishes


    Martine, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 14th Jun 2018, 09:55AM
  • Hi Mariam, Griffith's Valuation (Land/Taxation Records) dated 1853 shows the following In Moyderwell, Tralee (town)

    If you post the links to the Census we might be able to help more. It is often not possible to find birth records particularly for children born in the early 1800's and around Famine times. Death records where they exist give us an estimated date of birth. These are not always accurate but are often the best that we can get with Irish records for Catholics.

    Looking forward to hearing from you again.

    Best wishes


    Griffith's Valuation Record Information 


    Family Name 1MORIARTY

    Forename 1MAURICE

    LandlordFamily Name 2MCENNERY

    Forename 2DAVID




    Publication DetailsPosition on Page40Printing Date1853Act15&16Sheet Number29Map Reference21 35

    Martine, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 14th Jun 2018, 10:07AM


    Hello Martine and Roger, Many thanks for your help.  Marcella was born around 1826 according to the 1901census. I made a error in giving 1821.  The link you provided was one of a few that I could find of a Marcella of around her age and have been told not to take census information as hard evidence, so it could be her.. Here is the link of the 1901 census, no idea about the Hamilton.

    A link for their Marriage , it’s funny there are two listings.

    From a few matches that I have from DNA testing, Moriarty and Sullivan does come up also Hartnett, which I found when looking through the Irish Kerry records. I have only 1 confirmed Irish match so far and that is from Robert and Emily Godfreys descendants, but they have not researched enough of the tree further back.  William Godfrey (church of Ireland) his father was a soldier from their marriage record, and was told by my brothers research that he was born in Scotland.  Don’t have the proof though. We do have quite a few Scottish matches coming up to suggest this. It seems that my ancestors were all over aIreland and of both denominations. My grandmother was also born in Scotland, her family worked and settled there.  We also have Kavanagh and Phelan from my grandmothers mothers line who were from Queens Co.  I have yet to embark on that trail.







    Thursday 14th Jun 2018, 11:44PM
  • Hi Mariam, have you got Marcella's death record?

    Have you found any of the other children of James Moloney and Marcella?

    This is one possibility from Baptism of JOHN MOLONEY of BALLYHORGAN PARISH OF DYSART on 22 July 1859 Church of Ireland, Listowel

    Other children of this couple might lead you further back.

    On rootsireland I found the following


    Name:William HamiltonDate of Birth:  Date of Baptism:10-Mar-1833

    Address:VirginiaParish/District:LURGANGender:MaleCountyCo. CavanDenomination:Church Of Ireland

    Father:Alexander Hamilton

    Mother:Anne Hamilton


    Martine, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 16th Jun 2018, 07:29AM

    Hi Martine,  Thanks again.  I did see listings for possible Marcella death. There wasn’t a copy when I checked. I found another 1904, Celbridge, 80 years old.  It’s just a case of matching ages up. Which they don’t.  I did find John Maloney, I’d thought it was a breakthrough, I couldn’t find any other children nor Emily and tried looking through all counties available.  I don’t know who William Hamilton could be, it could be a relative or friend from William Godfrey. Would there be any online  Irish Graveyard sites?







    Saturday 16th Jun 2018, 10:05PM
  • mabah

    Saturday 16th Jun 2018, 10:06PM
  • There are some burial records on which is a feepaying website but not for Kerry is  free everyone is invited to make a contribution to support Joe's work

    some Irish records on findagrave

    Martine, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 2nd Jul 2018, 10:04PM

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