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Does anyone have any information on a Thomas & Mary Boyle (nee) Connor who  had a son called Bryan Boyle around 1824 to 1835 from Sleaveen or Rattoo. Any information on the Boyles at this time appreciated.

Tuesday 6th Sep 2016, 12:21PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hongkongtiff:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    The RC church records for Rattoo/Causeway parish are online at a free Irish government site  I found the baptismal record for Bryan but did not see any baptismal records for siblings. Here is the link to the parish register

    Roger McDonnell

    Area - KERRY (RC) , Parish/Church/Congregation - CAUSEWAY

    Baptism of BRYAN BOYLE of SLAVEEN on 2 November 1824



    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 6th Sep 2016, 09:03PM
  • Hi Roger

    Thank you for your quick response. I have seen this record but have an age problem if born in 1824. He appears in the 1851 census as a soldier in the British  Army serving in Everton Barracks. On the census he states he comes fromm Rattoo and is 20 so that makes his birthdate 1831. (Not very reliable I know). We also have his death in Crotta, Kilfflynn in 1884 stating his age is 53 so again closer to 1830. I have looked at the records from Killury page by page 1831 and 1832. I could not find a Bryan in 1831 but many of the pages especially the left hand edge were the  christian name are are in a very bad condition.  The record you found is the best we have and it pushes the parents to possibly Thomas Boyle and Mary Connor.

    Are you aware where in the area of Rattoo and Sleaveen these people lived around 1831? Are you ale to give me an area using a modern map of were people lived in Sleaveen and Rattoo? Where is the chuch called Killury? Is it all in Ballyduff?

    I do apreciate any help as I suspect we will end up in limbo not quite knowing if this is the right Bryan Boyle but waiting for that confirming break that sometimes comes.

    Thanks again.

    Eddie in Gosport England



    Wednesday 7th Sep 2016, 04:33PM
  • The Catholic parish for the area has several alternate names - i.e. Union of Killury, Ratoo or Causeway. This Catholic parish covered a number of civil parishes including Killury, Ratoo and Causeway, and possibly also early records for Ballyheigue civil parish. You can see the approximate area covered on the map on the parish page on the National Library website. There were at least four chapels in the parish in the 1830s, two in Ballyduff (an old and new), one in Causeway and one near Ballyheigue.

    Sleveen is a townland of abt 386 acres in Ratoo civil parish, and is located abt 4km south of the town of Ballyduff, see the entry on the placename database Sleveen townland

    There are about 17 properties listed for Sleveen townland on Griffith's Primary Valuation, which for this area is dated 1852. Several Boyles are included - see Valuation - Sleveen townland

    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 7th Sep 2016, 08:57PM
  • Hi Thank you very much for this information. It gives me some other perspective on possibly my Boyle family.

    The chapels are confusing unless you know the system in Ireland. (Not sure I still do). There are places to visit next time we come to Tralee. I dont think the local Boyle family are aware of all this information. Thank you agaon for your interest. I have a very very good picture of what was going on in the first half of the 19C but not sure how they were affected by the famine.





    Thursday 8th Sep 2016, 06:05PM
  • Roger

    You ask about siblings.

    Boyles figure very much in my Ballyduff family history.  My ggggrandmother was Julia(na) Boyle from Knockercreeveen, My gggrand aunt was Elizabeth Boyle from Ballincrossig and another gggrand aunt was Joanna Boyle from Sleveen.  While I state these townlands with apparent assurance, they must be regarded as probable not certain.

    These notes are from my family history blog

    In 1839 Joanna Boyle married John Donohue and he was Thomas, my gggrandfather’s, brother in my opinion.  Joanna and John named their first boy and girl, James (Donoghue) and Juliana (Boyle) my ggggrandparents, which gives me confidence that John was their son.

    There were a number of Boyle families in Sleveen because from 1828 to 1840, three Joannas had their first child.

    All of our Boyle first names that appear in some sort of baptism or marriage function, bar Elizabeth, are there, in particular Brian which I have not found anywhere else.  Brian Boyle was a sponsor at the birth of John and Joanna’s daughter, Juliana, in 1840.   He was a father from 1808-25, his wife’s name was Mary Disset.

    Patrick Boyle (sp.1814) was a father in Sleveen from 1810-26.  His wife was Honora Connell; the Connell name has relevance in Poplar (East London where my gggrandfather and family went) in 1851.

    John Boyle (sp.1810, 1818) was also a father in Sleveen from 1810-14 and his wife was a Mary Connor, my gggrandmother’s surname, but there were an awful lot of Mary Connors.

    So we can say that they were probably Joanna’s siblings.

    What happened to John and Joanna Boyle is hard to establish, but it is possible that he is the John whom family stories say was shot by the British.  Talking to local folk he might have been a Moonlighter (or Whiteboy) and was shot some time after 1845 (the year of his last child) while carrying out some sort of 'outrage' against the landlords.  One of the landlords that my family worked for was Anthony Stoughton of Ballyhorgan, who was the leader of the Clanmaurice Cavalry.  The other was Wilson Gun of Rattoo.

    This is all perhaps more than you wanted to know, but I hope it helps.


    Rod O'Donoghue

    The O'Donoghue Society




    Wednesday 30th Nov 2016, 07:56PM
  • Hi Eddie,Roger,

                           I also have Hanlons living and working around Rattoo, Killury and Slaveen as farmers so I

    was interested in your post on here. My John Hanlon had land around Slaveen and I believe lived near the 

    Rattoo tower and was buried with family at Killury cemetry. He married a Gobinet (Abby) Burns and had children

    in the 1830's including my great grandfather John born in Knuckereen who married Margaret Halloran and had

    children around Knockanmore. I have dates and places for the whole family tree. It sounds as though they would

    have been close neighbours.



    Tuesday 24th Jan 2017, 02:33PM
  • Hi Guys Getting lost in the names here. I am plumping for John Boyle in the 1851 valuations as being the father of my Bryan Boyle. 1831. On leaving the Army in 1871 his forwarding address is Rattoo Causeway so his family presumably still live in Sleveen. He goes to live first in Tralee then Crotta Kilflynn. 

    Rod, Can you give me any help on this guy? Is this John one of your Boyles?

    Ken, I was interested in your Hanlon family not for Slaveen though and wondered if you have any descendants who might have lived in Tonavane Blennerville? Steve Hanlon 1846-1919 or  his Sister Ellen Sullivan (nee Hanlon) 1851- ? Father Timothy.

    Ken, can you tell me where Killury Cemetry is?


    Wednesday 25th Jan 2017, 11:57AM
  • Hi Eddy, I'm not aware of Hanlons connected to my family tree although several early Hanlons come up in records around that location around Tralee. I'd struggle trying to locate Killury cemetry but it is on line with names of the graves and certain dates as well. Good luck Ken






    Thursday 26th Jan 2017, 07:14AM
  • Hi Eddy, I'm informed that Killury cemetry is on the Ballyheige to Ballyduff road close to 'Dairymaster'. Good luck, Ken






    Thursday 26th Jan 2017, 04:59PM
  • Apologies, Roger, for failing to check on this forum for so long.

    I cannot say whether John Boyle in Griffiths is the father of your Brian

    All I can do is provide a possible scenario

    Bri(yan) is an unusual name and so let's follow it in Sleveen

    The parish register provides just a few recorded Brians - lots of folk never got recorded of course

    Group One

    1. Brian Boyle & Mary Disset with four children 1808-25 inc. Joanna 1808, Thomas 1813

    2. Patrick Boyle & Honora Connell with five children 1810-26 inc. John 1815, Thomas 1819, Brian 1826

    3. John Boyle & Mary Connor with two children inc.Mary 1818 witness Bryan Boyle

    4. Michael Boyle & Abigail Connor with one child inc. 1820 witness Brian Boyle

    5. Thomas Boyle & Mary Connor with three children inc. Bryan 1824 witness Bryan Boyle.

    I suspect these five are brothers or at least cousins

    There are no more Brian references until

    Group Two

    Thomas Boyle & Mary Dee with two children inc. Brian 1845 with Brian Boyle witness

    This Thomas is presumably one of the sons of either 1 or 2 above

    There is only one other Brian Boyle reference in the whole of Rattoo RC parish

    John Donohue & Joanna Boyle married 1839 with Juliana 1840 witness Brian Boyle

    This Brian is probably the same one as just above

    So there is no evidence of a Brian fathered by a John

    Looking through the land records

    The 1848 Tenure Books for Sleveen show holdings over time as follows

    2, 7, 19 & 21 Thomas Boyle.  19 & 21 appear to have Brian in brackets after his name but can't be sure

    12 & 25 John Boyle

    27 Davy Boyle

    The 1851 Tenure Books show, unsurprisingly,the same as Griffiths

    2b & 3  Thomas Boyle

    9a John Boyle

    Conclusion or best guess

    Your Brian is the son of Thomas (5 above) which is where you started this thread!

    And John in the land records is 3 above or the son of Patrick 2 above

    They are all part of the same family line

    Best I can do!




    Saturday 29th Jul 2017, 05:55PM
  • Hi Eddy, I had this thread sent through because Rod had added to it. I started looking again and as well as the Thomas and Mary post and date of 2/11/1824 another record came up John Boyle and Margaret Connor having a Margaret Boyle in Ballyingiana, Causeway 19/2/1832 sponsors of Thomas Boyle and Mary Connor so I reckon they are related. I'm interested as my Hanlon family certainly farmed around Slaveen and lived near there. Earlier in the generations I have a Timothy Hanlon and a Mary Connor around late 1700's to early 1800's.You probably have this site but I found these on Good luck with your searches.Ken











    Sunday 30th Jul 2017, 01:57PM
  • Hi again Eddy, I had another couple of searches and looked up the numbers of Boyle families and Connor families in parishes together around the time of Griffith's Valuation Rattoo Parish came out as 14 Connors and 7 Boyles. Following that I looked up the Tithe Applotment records and found 2 records for John Boyle in Rattoo parish in Townlands Ballysheen and Fillagha. Then onto Connors  with 2 records of a Richard and a John in West Sleaveen and East Sleaveen in 1825. Perhaps it would be worth looking for the Connors to track down the birth of Mary in the near neighbourhood ? Good luck, Ken




    Sunday 30th Jul 2017, 02:33PM
  • Because so many of my ancestors married Boyles I have logged all in Causeway RC parish.  There is a blog dedicated to them where I showed their distribution which I repeat below

    In Rattoo, the Boyles appear significantly in, Ballinbranhig (6), Ballincrossig (20), Benmore/Ballyduff (24), Drommartin (14), Knockercreeveen (15), Rahealy (5), Rattoo (9), Sleveen (47), Tullaghna (28).

    In Killury, we find them in Ardoughter (7), Ballinclemesig (12), Ballinglanna (47), Ballynaskreena (9), Castleshannon (7), Causeway (5), Cloghaneleesh (5), Dromnacarra (7), Lisduff (5), Rathmorrel (11).

    I have potential Boyle ancestors in Knockercreeveen, Ballincrossig and Sleveen, and clearly there were lots of cousins in various townlands.

    Ken's point is well made



    Rod O'Donoghue, ggggrandson of James Donoghue (b.c.1770) and Juliana Boyle of Ballyduff, North Kerry

    Allied with the names of:  Ballyduff area - Boyle, Connor, Sullivan, Mahony, Flahive, Ferris, Ryle, Dee, Nelan, Brosnahan, Johnson, Scanlan, Costello, Halloran.  Poplar, East London area - Carrington, Hayes, Hopkins, Kennedy, Madden, Rochester, Tait, Phillips, Rands, Lyttlestone, Matthews, Sealey



    Monday 31st Jul 2017, 01:26PM

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