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I am hoping to get some leads to track down where, precisely, in the Listowel area my great-grandfather, Michael Sullivan, was born. 

On his death certificate his father's name is listed as "Michael Sullivan" and his mother as "Johanna Mulvhill."  We also know that when he came to the the USA (around 1858) he was accompanied by his younger brother, Patrick.  Family lore says that their father died and their mother remarried, and that there was 1 step-sister.  Not sure if his mother's maiden name was really Mulvhill, or if the man she married after Michael Sullivan died was Mulvihill and tha became her name.  Also not sure of any other siblings that might have remained behind.

Apparently Michael worked in upstate NY as an indentured farm laborer.  He eventually met another Irish immigrant (Abigail Sheehan, also from Co. Kerry--Milltown area), and they married in the early 1860s.  In the early 1870s they moved to Galesville, WI, and eventually (in the 1880s) to St. Paul, MN.

I have searched for hours in the Kerry Church records, with every possible combination of names, and have had no luck.  This leads me to think that what passed down in our family might not be 100% accurate.  Nonetheless, some part of this might strike some kind of familiar chord for someone.

I am posting this in all the parishes around Listowel.  I notice in particular that there are quite a few Sullivan/Mulvihill combinations in Murher.



Friday 23rd May 2014, 09:36PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear CSlattery

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I have forwarded your query to a volunteer in a neighbouring parsh. I hope you will hear from her soon

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 30th May 2014, 09:51AM

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