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Hi I was wondering if anyone had any information on McSweeney/MacSweeny/Sweeny from Tourmore Co Kerry.  My Grandfather, Patrick was born in 1890.  It was a large family of 12 and his parents were Edmund, born 1840 who married Bridget Foley.  Edmund's parents were John McSweeney and Mary McSweeny (O'Sullivan)O'Sullivan.  Would appreciate any information on John and Mary if anyone has some, many thanks Jo

Friday 13th Mar 2015, 04:19AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Jo

    Apologies for the long delay in getting back to you. Have you managed to find out any more about the above?

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 22nd Jul 2015, 10:28AM
  • Hi Jo, is this your family?

    .. and the earlier generation?


    2 entries for John Mc Sweeny in 1852

    LANDLORD IS EARL OF KENMARE so your ancestor may be incl. in estate records.

    Have you got all these records?


    Saturday 5th Sep 2015, 04:47PM
  • Hi Martine

    Thanks for sending these through, much appreciated. (sorry for not responding sooner).  I'll look up the estate records to see what I can find in there..  I can't seem to find any leads about John McSweeney and Mary Sullivan prior to the birth of their children.  I wondered if you would have any suggetions of how to find some information?  Kind regards Jo


    Thursday 14th Apr 2016, 12:46AM
  • Hi Jo, land records will be your best bet for earlier. Newspaper archives may yield something. Court/ Prison records (Petty Sessions) also. But research prior to Church records will always take longer and involve quite a bit of digging... Sometimes you can be lucky with the wills

    Do let us know how you get on.


    Friday 15th Apr 2016, 10:16PM
  • Many thanks for the suggestions Martine, regards Jo

    Sunday 17th Apr 2016, 03:03PM
  • Hi there, 

    I know this post is from years ago, but if you're still looking for information, please let me know.  Edmund is my great great grandfather. My great grandfather Dan is the brother of your grandfather Patrick. Dan's son William is my grandfather :)   -Annemarie 






    Sunday 20th Mar 2022, 04:51PM
  • Six years is a long time ago. But not long compared to my search for a relative of Patrick Hooper, my Great Great Grandfather. I have being searching for nearly 60 years.

    If your details are correct, then a miracle has occurred. 

    I have no copy of what I posted 6 yers ago, If you could forward a copy, I would be much obliged to you.

    It might be easier to communicate by email as I have a considerable family story to tell you.

    My email is

    Looking forward to your reply with anticipation

    Kind regards,

    Darrell Hooper, Tullamore, Ireland


    Monday 21st Mar 2022, 09:44PM
  • I am an o Sullivan with paternal roots in Killarney co.Kerry and have researched my family and i suggest you should look into .There are civil records of births ,marriages and deaths there from1864-c.1900 for alll of Ireland  with deaths up to 1930 and is an easy site to search and is free.

    Also in there there are church records and lucky for you the Kerry Diocese is included and may yield some results.a bit more difficult to search but worth persevering with.

    there is a Toormore in the parish of Kilcummin near Killarney and is this the twnland you refer to ? There were McSweeneys  in Killarney parish 150 years ago but may be different. Kilcummin Parish have a website with contact details.

    The national Library of Ireland (LNI)have parish records on line and kilcummin baptism 1821-1881,marriages 1823-59 and 1873-1881 are available. These are difficult to search unless you have a reasonable idea of the year.The sites are free.


    Donie o Sullivan

    Donie Sullivan

    Monday 21st Mar 2022, 11:46PM
  • Thx so much for the info! My grandfather is a McSweeeney from Toormore and my grandmother is a o'Sullivan/Sullivan from Kilcummin! 



    Tuesday 22nd Mar 2022, 01:24AM
  • Are you looking for Patrick hooper or Patrick mcsweeney?


    Tuesday 22nd Mar 2022, 01:45AM
  • Hello,

    Sorry to jump in on this post. Are there records for Killarney then? I`ve been trying to find relatives for my half sister

    but nothing ever comes up for Killarney. Not that I`ve seen anyway.

    Many thanks


    Tuesday 22nd Mar 2022, 06:13AM
  • Hell All

    .I checked the irishgenealogy website again as it is a number of years since i used the church records database and it apperrs you should open "more options" facility to enter more precise information and it is all there .

    Leprechaun. the Killarney records go back to c 1793 and i found my great grandfathers wedding there in 1806 so good hunting


    Donie Sullivan

    Tuesday 22nd Mar 2022, 11:19AM
  • Good morning,  I am also a Sullivan.  My grandmother, Mary Glady O'Sullivan was the daughter of James O'Sullivan of Knocknagashel and Ellenra Hanrahan of Shanagolden, Limerick.  Finding Mary O'Sullivan is a bit of a needle in a haystack.  My grandmother wrote a family genealogy for me which is priceless.  Unfortunately, I only have a copy and its rather difficult to read.  Additionally, I live in Texas and struggle to understand the geographic notations.  I have posted her info on the O'Sullivan family Facebook page and am happy to share with anyone looking for "their" O'Sullivans.  Carol O'Donnell Cox

    O'Donnell from County Kerry

    Tuesday 22nd Mar 2022, 11:21AM
  • Thank you very much Donie, I will have a look.


    Wednesday 23rd Mar 2022, 07:34AM
  • Hi Carol,

    This IS a real longshot for me but I would love to view your grandmothers tree, if that were possible.

    I have been trying for years to link my wife's O'sullivan ancestry(DNA matches) beyond the 1860's but without joy. Her g grandparents marriage records do not show parents!   Its a shame that O'Sullivan is so common in Kerry.

    Her family is from the Listowel area of Kerry, which I know is not where yours are from but, as I said, it is a longshot.

    Do you have a tree on ancestry or myheriatage that is viewable?

    Clutching at straws

    Bob Fogden



    Thursday 24th Mar 2022, 08:00AM
  • To amacsweeney

    I am looking for a Patrick Hooper born about 1801 + or - 5. My Great Great Grand father.

    I have details on my Grandfather Patrick Hooper born Cork City 1873.

    Darrell Hooper


    Thursday 24th Mar 2022, 09:02AM

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