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I started researching the following branch, as I was connected to this branch online via mtdna testing.

I'm hoping my Farrell line will line up with the below Farrell line (although I realize it might not connect for hundreds of years...).

- Mary Farrell born approx 1831 in Ireland

- Married Patrick Moynahan 

- 3 known children: Margaret (1866, Dingle), Bridget (about 1865, Dingle) and Patrick (1869, Dingle)

- 1901 Cenus via Mary Farrell is listed as Mary Moynihan, age 70, Chapel Hill, Dingle. She lives with her daughter, Bridget (now Doherty) and Bridget's children from her first marriage to Doherty. 

I'm hoping to find the names of Mary Farrell's parents. It seems the Kerry records aren't on rootsireland, so I'm not sure where else to look for this information. I was hoping to find Mary's marriage to Moynahan, or Mary's birth/death record(s).

Any advice or information would be much appreciated!

Thank you & Best, S. 


Sunday 12th Mar 2017, 01:20PM

Message Board Replies

  • lists five marriages in Dingle church records under Mary Farrell and Patrick Moynihan...including theirs in 1856!  :)







    Sunday 12th Mar 2017, 01:59PM
  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    JF Dillon provided you with the marriage record link. The same site has images of civil records for certain years. Deaths start in 1891 and I located a January 18, 1911 death record for a Mary Moynahan.The informant was her daughter Bridget Moriarty. She was originally Bridget Doherty and married a Moriarty around 1902. You will have to sign-in to see the record.

    Roger McDonnell…

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 12th Mar 2017, 03:02PM
  • Thank you, JFD and Roger! 

    Sunday 12th Mar 2017, 09:48PM

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