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I have recently become aware that my gr gr grandfather John Daly/Daley/Dailey came from the Parish CastleIsland. I have known for some time he was from County Kerry, but did not know the Parish. 

John Daley was born in the 1850's I do not have an exact year, but I surmise  about 1856 to 1858.  His death certificate says 1852, but I have learned they are not always correct.  Some US census indicate birth closer to 1856 -1858.  Also marriage certificate matches 1856-1858 better too. He may have been born in the month of August.  I don't know, I just know his daughter gave date of birth as Aug 18, That was Johns son's date of birth so not sure if it was his too. His Fathers name may have been named Daniel.  This information came from his daughter that did not know much of her family.

I do not even know when he came to the US. I believe that Parishes gave permission to Parishioners for immigrating. maybe there is a record somewhere. He Married Anne Shanahan in Chicago IL, USA Sep 29, 1883 so immigration would have of course taken place prior to 1883.  The Surname DeVine may have been associated with the family. I am sorry, but that is all I know.

Thank you

I hope you can help me, I have searched since 2004


Maye B-T


Wednesday 8th Oct 2014, 02:02AM

Message Board Replies

  • Most of the parish records for Co. Kerry are available to search free on the IrishGenealogy website

    Do John's marriage or death certs mention his parents names ?

    There are a number of Daly baptisms listed in Castleisland RC parish, but no John that I could see during the 1850s. Widening the search to all of Co. Kerry shows quite a few John Daly baptisms, so having the parents names should help narrow down the search, and can also helping to locate siblings etc as a starting point.

    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 8th Oct 2014, 07:35AM

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