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I am trying to find any information on John Kelliher and his wife Mary Sheehy, in particular the birth or baptismal dates, for Mary Sheehy, her parent's information, and parental information for John Kelliher.  John and Mary were married 04 Mar, 1851 at St Mary's Church in Dingle.  The names are John Keliher and Margerete Sheehy.  I am also trying to locate any information on their son, Michael Kelliher, born 27 September, 1853.  He was ordained a Catholic Priest, in 1877, Maynooth, Kildare, Ireland.  I have quite a bit of information on the Kelliher family, and I have actually visited the Kelliher family dairy farm in Dingle.  I am in touch with quite a few descendants of John Kelliher and Mary Margaret Sheehy.  I would also like to know if you can locate death records for John and Mary.  I believe they were buried at Baile Ristin.  From what I have been told, their headstones may have been covered by a landslide.


Any information is greatly appreciated.


Thank You,

Carole Anne Kelleher Skeels 

Sunday 27th Dec 2015, 08:50PM

Message Board Replies

  • Carole Anne:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    The Dingle RC parish register is online at Records start in 1821.

    Do you know when John and Mary died? I have access to civil death index records. There is a John Kelliher born 1813 who died in 1912. There are also a number of possible Mary Kelliher death index records in the Dingle registration district.

    They are also on The registration district would be Dingle.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 28th Dec 2015, 05:28PM
  • Hi Roger,

    I guess I will explain a little about myself to you and what I hope to accomplish.  I am the Great great grand daughter of John Kelliher and Mary (Margarete) Sheehy.  From some family information I have obtained over the years, I understand that John and Mary started the dairy farm in Emlagh.  My great Grand Father, James Kelliher was born on that farm 7 Dec 1851.  I have been told by descendants of John Kelliher who still live in Ireland, that John and Mary went to their graves, not knowing the fate of 6 of their 7 children, who all left Ireland.  They were quite saddened about this.  Their son John, remained behind in Ireland.  I am in touch with these descendants.  I would like to reconnect the descendants of this entire family, as best I can.  My Irish relatives have a family reunion, each August in Dingle.  I would like to get as many as I can to attend, one of these.  I was born in Santa Barbara, California, and Santa Barbara and Dingle are sister cities.

    John Kelliher, born about Dec 1824, died about Mar 1898.  Mary Sheehy Kelliher born about 21 Aug, 1828, Dingle?.  I have no death date for Mary.  I do know that they lived on adjacent farms, in possibly Baile Ristin.  Finding proof of their parents seems like an enormus undertaking.

    I am so glad that Ireland is now more on board with ancestral projects.

    The reason I am looking for their son Michael, ordained a priest, is that no one in the family seems to know what happened to him.  He was born 27 Sep 1853 in Emlagh.  He was ordained in Maynooth, Kildare, Ireland in 1877.  Some family members have suggested that he may have left the priesthood, while others have suggested that he may have gone to Kerry, Australia, and some suggested England.  If he did leave the priesthood, did he marry and have children?  I have a lot of stateside Kelliher descendants that I am in touch with.  I will look at the links you gave me, this evening.  I have to go to work!

    God Bless, have a great new year!

    Carole Anne Kelleher Skeels 


    Tuesday 29th Dec 2015, 05:52PM
  • Hello Team,

    I have been putting my Kelleher (Kelliher) family back together for many years.  I have succeeded in locating a lot of my family.  This year, in August, some of us from the United States will be in Dingle for a Kelliher Family Reunion.  We would love to have you there.  I am so excited, and I wish my father was still with me.  This would have been a dream come true for him.




    Carole Anne Kelliher Skeels

    Sunday 12th Feb 2017, 12:16PM

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