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I have researched my family history for quite awhile and one of my so called brick walls involves the marriage place for my great great grandparents, Edward(Edmond) Barrett and Mary Corridan, sometimes spelled Corridon or (en)...

Edward/Edmond had been living in various townlands just to the west of Listowel but I'm unsure of Mary's residence at the time when they would have been married.

The family worshipped at St. Mary's in Listowel; all of their children were baptized there.....however, the marriage did not occur there...Most likely it was not Mary's home parish....

Their eldest child, Margaret Barrett was born and baptized in 1860 so I'm thinking that the marriage happened some time just before that, possibly as early as 1857...

I've heard that Duagh was a possible area where Mary was living and I wonder if there is a Catholic Church in that area where Mary and Edmond might have married?


Wednesday 30th Jan 2013, 07:40PM

Message Board Replies

  • The Catholic Church in Duagh is St Brigids. I searched for their marriage in, but found no such marriage in Daugh. I did see several baptism records for Mary Corridon.

    Unfortunately, it appears that the marriage records for St Brigids have gaps, so we cannot exclude the possibility. 

    Tuesday 5th Feb 2013, 05:28PM

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