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Hi Folks, I am searching for the descendents of Edmund Walsh and Mary Walsh (her maiden name) from Tullabeg

Their daughter was my GGGrandmother Mary who married William Nolan in 1853 in the Parish of Ballybunnion RC.

In the online Co.Kerry church records I have found all Mary's siblings Baptisim records all done in Tullabeg apart from Elizabeth who was bapt in Tullamore. Yet I did not find Mary's bapt record.             Edmund bapt Dec 1832,                                                                                                           William Bapt Feb 1836 and he married Helen Carr and farmed Helens parents farm in Ahanagran. They had a family and I am hoping some of their descendents may still be living in the Ahanagran area.  In the 1911 census an Ellen Walsh 60yrs old lived at house no.5 Ahanagran Middle with John 30yrs, Hannah 24yrs, Sarah 21 yrs and Timothy 13 yrs.                                                             Ellen Bapt Nov 1838 went to America and married a Mr Dineen in 1866.                                       Thomas bapt. Dec 1842 became a priest and lived and died in NY, America.                                  Honora bapt. June 1848 married Gerald Enright from Keel, Kilflyn.                                               Margaret bapt. May 1851.   Elizabeth bapt. Aug 1853.                                                                Johanna bapt Nov 1855 married William Sullivan from Tullamore.                                                Catherine bapt. Nov 1855 married Patrick Quill and they had children 1st 3 were born in Ballyhorgan, Michael  b.1867, Mary b.1868, Edmond b. 1872, Ellen b. 1874 and Thomas b. 1878.                          With the sponsors in these baptisims and marriages were incleded many Walshes - Michael, Cattherine,Edward, Bartholomew, Mary, William, then a Mary and Richard Kissane, John Sulllivan, Mary kennelly,Mary O'donnell,Mary Connor.                                                                             Mary's son William Nolan went to Australia as did his older brother Maurice Nolan.  In 1890 William married Bridget Kelly from Co. Tipperary and they came to NZ with 2 young children in 1893. My Grandmother Ellen was born in Invercargill, Southland in 1895.                                                          I am hoping that there will be descendents of these families known to folk using this message board and would love to hear from anyone who has any information as it would be wonderful to connect to our Walsh/Nolan family in Co. Kerry after over 120 years.

Many thanks, Chris in NZ


Thursday 19th Sep 2013, 01:18AM

Message Board Replies

  • Have you seen this?  Saw this years ago as a book exerpt in the Chicago Tribune.…

    I'm also researching Walsh in Kerry.  I wasn't able to connect to the ones is Ahanagran.   Mine are from Farranpierce and possibly Dromin.  My GG grandparents were William Walsh and Mary Kennedy (m 1857). 

    Sounds like you've done lots of research.  I found quite a Kerry records on the Irish Genealogy site if you haven't used it.…

    Good luck!!



    Friday 20th Sep 2013, 04:37AM
  • Thanks Cathy.  Yes I bought the book Remembering Ahanagran by Richard White.  This book is the main reason I hope descendents from Willliam Walsh (my GGGrandmother Marys brother) and Ellen Carr are still living maybe even farming on the same farms, as in 1995 they were.

    Best Wishes in your search,                                                                                                       Chris  


    Saturday 21st Sep 2013, 10:28AM
  • I am in contact with 2 people in the U.S , who are related to some members of these families. Namely the Catherine Walsh/ Patrick Quille, and the other Edward (Ned) Walsh/Lizzie Sullivan, families.Would you like to post a reply, although your message is 3 years old......hope you are still searching. Ang from Kerry.

    Tuesday 5th Jul 2016, 12:13PM
  • Hi Ang, Yes I am still searching and would love to be in touch with descendents of the Catherine Walsh/Patrick Quill and Ned Walsh/Lizzie Sullivan families.  I managed to find descendents of William Walsh and Helen Carr who still live in the Ballylongford area.  Last year my husband and  I visited the Ballylongford/Listowel area and were able to meet up with members of this family.  We had one full day of travelling around this area north of Listowel (also getting lost!) visting the Galey Cemetery  and found the old Nolan homestead in Drombeg with alot of help from local folk :-).   It was an amazing. experience.  Many thanks for your post  even though mine was 3 years old!  I never give up :-)      Chris in New Zealand


    Wednesday 6th Jul 2016, 01:58AM
  • I have sent a screen shot of your reply , on to the States, so that they can view your details. I am related to them through a DNA test, so we are going through the records as best we can. I am probably related to you too, but will have a job proving it.Ang.

    Wednesday 6th Jul 2016, 07:58PM
  • Lady in the U.S would like to know if you are on Ancestry? My e mail is    if this would be easier for us both.

    Wednesday 6th Jul 2016, 09:55PM
  • Has anyone on this post been DNA tested on  Our third great grandfather is Michael Walsh of Tullamore (b abt 1800 or so). And we have DNA matches with people descended from Mary Walsh and Edmund Walsh (one of whom is probably Michael's sibling) through their children William and Joanna.  

    Monday 8th May 2017, 08:41PM
  • We're also a DNA match with people descended from Mary Walsh and Edmund Walsh through their daughter Catherine.

    Monday 8th May 2017, 11:11PM
  • Thursday 11th May 2017, 08:46PM
  • I had my DNA tested with Ancestry, so maybe you have already seen my profile.  If you are having problems , email me at the address that I had given in my reply to kiwibird56, and I will forward my profile name on Ancestry to you.AngQH.

    Thursday 11th May 2017, 08:51PM
  • It didn't look like you mentioned which Tullamore Walshes are your ancestors. We have tree on Ancestry with about 19,000 people. There are about six of us descended from my grandfather who have tested so far -- and four of us are attached to that tree. We don't all match the same people. But one or more of us are matches with several of Mary Walsh's and Edmund Walsh's descendants.

    Friday 12th May 2017, 01:43AM
  • Hi Kate and Angie, I'm Chris from the first message so related to you thru our common Ancestors.  It's so gtreat to make a connection.  I haven't done any DNA testing yet, I've been procrastinating, unable to decide on which company to go with.  Kate if you have 19,000 people on your tree you probably have these siblings of Michaels but just in case not.  I received these names from Mary in England whose direct ancestor is Bartholomew.  The Father is  Edmond Walsh, children Michael born c 1800, married Joanna McCarthy, (Kate if I'm understanding your message correctly these 2  would be your direct ancestors, would you please confirm this for me and Mary has their children as William born 1826, Edmund born 1830, martin born 1831, John born 1834 and Stephen born 1837) carrying on with Michaels siblings..... Edmund born c. 1802 (my ancestor) , Daniel born c. 1803, married Mary Costello, Thomas born c. 1804 married Mary O'Donnell, William born c. 1806. married Bridget Molouny, Bartholomew born c. 1808, married Mary Connor.  Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Best Wishes, Chris in NZ





    Saturday 13th May 2017, 05:31AM
  • Thank you so much for that info!!  That is going to help a lot in sorting out some information. We have other DNA matches with Tullamore Walshes as ancestors.  And we were trying to figure out if they were siblings or cousins of our Michael. 

    And, yes, we are descended from the Michael who married Johanna McCarthy -- through their son William. Johanna and those five sons moved to the U.S. in the early 1850's. Stephen went out to the gold rush in Nevada in the mid 1850s. William moved to Wisconsin by 1860. Edward, Martin and John remained in upstate New York with their mother. Johanna was living with William, Martin and John in various censuses. And in the 1860's, Johanna's son Edward placed an ad in the Boston Pilot's "Missing Friends" column searching for Stephen. And in that ad, he identified the family as being from Tullamore, parish of Gale, county Kerry. And we have found Martin's, John's and Stephen's baptisms there. (William's and Edward's were too early to be found.)

    We believe that our Michael and Johanna may possibly have had daughters, too, but we haven't identified any yet.

    I assume that Michael and the others may also have had sisters, too? 

    Sunday 14th May 2017, 03:29AM
  • We have family members who have tested on FTDNA,, and 23andMe (including several on more than one site). They each have certain advantages. Matches usually have the best trees on That is extremely helpful -- e.g., it can be used for quickly identifying those with Tullamore ancestors. So we do most of our research there. However, FTDNA provides information on ALL "common matches" with a person, So, for example, if you find one Tullamore Walsh, then you can identify everyone who matche. ( limits "shared matches"  to one's closest matches.)


    Sunday 14th May 2017, 03:40AM

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