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My Great GF, Richard Stack born 1856 has listed as his parents in the Moyvane Parish as Richard Stack and Hanora Reardon / Riordan. I got this information from the Irish Geneological site of church records. I am trying to find out the date of b irth of the parents and who their ancestors may have been.  I take it that the Moyvane parish no longer exists and I am assuming that the Listowell Parish is the replacement.

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Monday 11th Feb 2013, 04:46PM

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    Thank you for your message.


    Were the family Roman Catholic?


    I believe that the Moyvane Parish is referring to the Roman Catholic parish, which is still in existence.


    Irish land divisions can be very confusing as the country is divided into both civil parishes and Catholic parishes. Sometimes these parishes correspond, and other times there may be several civil parishes in one Catholic parish and vice versa! For more information on Irish Land divisions check


    Follow this link to a map of Co. Kerry showing all the civil parishes:

    Here is a link that shows Co. Kerry divided in Catholic parishes:


    If you click on Moyvane parish it will give you a list of all the Catholic records that are available in the parish. Birth and marriage records for the parish begin in 1831 so you may possible be able to find their birth records or marriage records if they were born/married in the parish. As most Catholic records are held locally you may need to write to the local priest for assistance.


    I hope that this information is helpful and helps you with your research.


    Kind regards,


    Genealogy Support



    Wednesday 17th Apr 2013, 12:04PM

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