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Dear Friends,

I  just wanted to thank everyone for their assistance with my search. The people here at Ireland XO are wonderful!

Thanks to the help I received here, learning the Browne name helped make it possible for me to make connection with a cousin who still lives in Listowel today!  We have exchanged a few emails so far, so we are off to a great start!  

Now I just can't wait to go back to Ireland and meet all my new cousins!  It wouldn't have been possible without the help of some of the members here. Extra special thanks to Joan and Nora!

Thanks again to you all!  I appreciate everyone's help VERY much!



Monday 11th Mar 2013, 08:35PM

Message Board Replies


    Hi Helen,

    Just a quick message to say thanks so much for this message and your kind words! I am delighted  our volunteers were able to help you and that you have been able to make a connection with your cousin! It is really great to hear stories like this one.

    All the best,

    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 7th May 2013, 11:39AM
  • Thanks Helen! When people call back to let us know how they got on it really makes all the hard work worthwhile.


    Friday 28th Jun 2013, 03:39PM
  • Dear Martine,

    Thanks for your message. Unfortunately, I have already lost touch with this cousin. It seems like her email address was hacked, and I haven't been able to get in touch with her again. :(

    Maybe some day I will get to Listowel and try to look her up in person. 

    But I definitely appreciate everything Ireland XO has done for me!  :)


    Friday 28th Jun 2013, 07:15PM

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